Curious about abs - woman

Okay - so i've just recently started pondering something & i want to make sure i'm thinking correctly. I havne't figured out how to post pics to threads so i need to explain this correctly...

I've seen two types of abs on woman out there (aside from NO abs lol) - a) 6 pks (meaning chiseled basically everywhere & you can see 4 to 6 divided muscles in the mid section) b) "solid" abs (meaning, they are carved on the sides & in the lower ab area but the actual "pk" area is more of a solid slab than individual packs...

my question is: aside from being aware that the lower body fat %, the more defined abs will be.... is this just a body make up thing - where i don't have too much control over how my abs "pop" so to speak or is it plausable that if i work my lower abs & side abs more i'll be able to achieve this look...

I'm leaning towards the later but wanted to get others opinions....


  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Truthfully, I have no idea. I have always and still do fall under the latter, even when I was at 17-18%. I don't think I've ever pondered it...thanks for posting the question.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Usually the difference you see is in degree of leaness, those with less definition are carrying a little more fat. Dropping to a low enough body fat is 90% of the battle, but direct ab work will help some.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    My goal is the latter. I don't really crave the 6pk look - more the think muscled up ab look (but i want definition in my side abs & lower abs)... kinda like a boxer / kickboxer look - at least all the shots i've seen have been in that classification....

    last time i cut (my first cut) i was super lean - but i didn't love it... i know i'll have to do a series of cutting / bulking to figure out how i want - but if i should be emphasizing & working mostly my side & lower abs to get that look, i want to start early - does that make sense?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    My goal is the latter. I don't really crave the 6pk look - more the think muscled up ab look (but i want definition in my side abs & lower abs)... kinda like a boxer / kickboxer look - at least all the shots i've seen have been in that classification....

    last time i cut (my first cut) i was super lean - but i didn't love it... i know i'll have to do a series of cutting / bulking to figure out how i want - but if i should be emphasizing & working mostly my side & lower abs to get that look, i want to start early - does that make sense?

    Most people don't like to work their side abs (obliques) because it makes your waist appear thicker. As far as "lower abs" go, most of the things that people do that they think are working their "lower abs" are really just working their hip flexors.

    If you're not worried about having the 6 pack look, I honestly wouldn't bother with doing a lot of direct ab work. Just do some stability work like planks, roll-outs, etc. a few times a week.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Hi! I think we have the same goal, so I would be interested in knowing if you find anythig that works. I have the more solid look, with cuts up the sides, but I am starting to get a slight indentation down the middle. I'm at 16%-18% bodyfat.

    I don't want a popping six pack... more of a fitness model look, but I do have a good bit of muscle on my abs from doing heavy ab work for boxing. Right now my strategy is to cut fat. I think I might need to get around 14% to get the look I'm going for. It probably just depends where you carry your fat. Apparently I carry mine right over those stupid abs!

    For all over abs look up POP pilates on youtube. You will love it! Also, I have heard that working on your obliques cinches your waist in rather than making appear thicker. I do emphasize obliques, and I have no fat in that area, and the side cuts. However, I also might have a bit too much bulk there becuase the muscle wraps around and pokes out a little past my hip bone, like a buff muffin top. Hopefully it evens out with a decrease in fat.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    My goal is the latter. I don't really crave the 6pk look - more the think muscled up ab look (but i want definition in my side abs & lower abs)... kinda like a boxer / kickboxer look - at least all the shots i've seen have been in that classification....

    last time i cut (my first cut) i was super lean - but i didn't love it... i know i'll have to do a series of cutting / bulking to figure out how i want - but if i should be emphasizing & working mostly my side & lower abs to get that look, i want to start early - does that make sense?

    Most people don't like to work their side abs (obliques) because it makes your waist appear thicker. As far as "lower abs" go, most of the things that people do that they think are working their "lower abs" are really just working their hip flexors.

    If you're not worried about having the 6 pack look, I honestly wouldn't bother with doing a lot of direct ab work. Just do some stability work like planks, roll-outs, etc. a few times a week.

    THANKS! :) I am definately not worried about looking thicker - if it's muscle it's sexy :D
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    appreciate all y'alls imput. i'm going to focus the "ab" portion of my workouts to the sides & core building things rather than direct center ab specific type moves.

    I agree with the above that ppl that think they are working lower abs are more working hip flexors - b/c when i do the roman chair that is the only word that discribes where the pinching / tightness is at... lol.