paging moms (or dads) of small children

robinreed10 Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! I am new to this site and really like it so far! I have working out at local gym 4-5 times a week and WAS watching what I was eating. The holidays got me in a slump that I cant fully get out of. Anyways...heres my question to all you parents. Do any of you have a hard time avoiding the foods on your childs plate? I try to give my son healthy meals and he eats well...but I do make him easy mac. I LOVE that stuff and find myself eatin off his plate. I justify it telling myself its better than making a bowl for myself...but know I shouldnt be eating it! Im also bad about snacking with him not even realizing it!!! When we are shopping I always bring him cheeze itz, cereal, fruit bars and things of that nature. I find myself eating his snacks even when I'm hungary!!! Sorry this is so wordy, but thanks for reading and I apperciate any ideas!!!


  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    Overall I've changed my kids eating habits too. Occasionally I'll have one of there fries or chicken nuggets, but the end I usually just dont do it. It's gotten to the point where I don't want it. However If I do want something like mac and cheese I make sure I have the calories for it.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    My daughter is 3. I don't give her anything I don't plan on eating. Sometimes I eat smaller portions of things like Mac and Cheese and have a side salad. When my daughter is done with her plate, she has to dump it in the trash. It has helped not ever getting int he habbit of eating her food. Likewise with deserts. I only give her things like the slow churned ice cream or yogurt with fruit.

    Good Luck.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I struggle with this issue. I have problems letting food go to waste. It drives me crazy when my DD throws food on the floor or doesn't finish what I give her. It's gotten better though since we taught her to say "Done", and give her smaller portions. We listen to her when she says done, and she doesn't throw food on the floor as much anymore.
    I also tell myself, now, that the food on her tray, once touched, is contaminated. Kids carry germs. I don't want to get sick. All in all, it's helping the situation.
  • seranmari
    seranmari Posts: 5 Member
    I go with the germ thing too... I'm not big on sharing with them. But, I plan "snack time" into my meal schedule too. I'm a SAHM so we have breakfast at 7a.m., snack at 10a.m., lunch at 11:30, snack at 3p.m., dinner at 5:30. I carry my personal favorite snacks everywhere so I eat them even when the kids are not around or it's a weekend when schedules are not as consistent. When I first started in MFP, the idea of logging a random snack deterred me from eating between my scheduled times.

    In restaurants I order a meal and split it with them instead of ordering meals off the kids menu. Or if they find something they really want, I let them each (I have two kids) order a meal, and I don't order one so I get a portion of theirs.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I have four children and am a sahm too - I feed them what I am eating - or at least close to it. I give them smaller portions so that they eat what is on their plate and can ask for more if they want. I wrap leftovers immediately and do the dished immeduiately so that I dont have the temptation for just one bite.
    Im not a stickler they have cookies and chips (in controlled portions) and I do have to have willpower - but I figure 1 oreo is ok - 10 if I cant control it then I dont buy it. Like right now - no chips in the house I cant be trusted with chips they had to choose a different snack - they chose goldfish and smartfood -- I dont care for either so im not tempted.
    Plan your meals and realize that your kids food habits are coming from you so if you can teach them the right foods they wont be on MFP when they are adults. (thats what keeps me inline with mine) good luck!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I can't remember what show I saw this on, but the idea was to put everything you want to scoop/steal/test/try from your child plate and put it into a large ziploc bag - at the end of the week weigh it. Not only will you be saving a huge amount of calories, it will also serve as a visual reminder of the damage you would be doing to yourself.
    Lucky for me - I have all kinds of ice cream in my freezer, but I HATE ice cream, so it's never a temptation for me.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Another thing...if you allow the child to eat whenever you are out, in the car, going to the park etc -- be prepared for these habits to stay with him...grazing will be his way - Im not saying it is right or wrong - some parents prefer their kids to eat all day as long as it is healthy some prefer break/lunch dinner and 2 snacks...I learned the hard way that going from grazing eaters to 2 meals a day was very if I was to do it again - meal time and 2 snacks at home...not in the car etc etc. something to think about --
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    Who hates ice cream? lol.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I do! Think it's nasty.

    As for grazing - I don't think it's a terrible thing, I rather my child have healthy snacks all day rather than planned out meals that she won't eat. My ped said I'm lucky if she eats 1 full meal daily (I have an almost 4 year old, and an almost 2.5 year old) My 4 year old is finicky and refuses everything. I used to push, but now I set out healthy snacks when I feel it's time to eat - and most of the time, she will eat them without a fight. Call it a "meal" she will throw down the gloves and fight me all the way! She does understand the structure of mealtime however, but she will still fight me.
    My 2 year old will eat me out of house! She eats her 3 meals, and then snacks all day long!
    Oh, but let it be said that I will not allow "snacking" at for least an hour before dinner. That definitely ruins dinner and makes it impossible for a sit down meal.
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