looking to give and receive support

Bouncing around the whole fitness craze can be mind numbing and confusing. 6 years ago, my life was restored both physically and spiritually after an 18 month - 154lb weightloss - and total life makeover that was started by a written contract with my 12 year old daughter. My life has never been the same. After reading everything I could about nutrition, exercise, and overall health, I started eating regular, balanced, healthy meals and progressively exercising like crazy. When I hit my goal weight of 149 lbs, I realized that I was protein starved, so I began adding in more lean protein. I immediately put on about 40 lbs of muscle with my neverending workouts and have continued to put on more bulk since. Even thought it is "muscle bulk", there is still some unwanted fat that came along with it. Now, at about 205 lbs, I'm craving the feeling that I had at 149lbs. With a torn ligament and arthritis in one knee and a unhealing fractured tibia, this isn't going to be easy. But excuses are for those who sit on the couch and die - not making a difference in the world around them.

I learned a long time ago, we can't do this alone. I would love to encourage others with what I've learned, but also covet your tough love encouragement as well.