How often to walk/jog when your just getting started?

I've owned a treadmill for about ten days now, my goal was to do about 3 miles a day on it. Initially I was doing these in 3 separate 1 mile segments. Last night I finally managed 3 miles at once. I've missed a few days as I was sick last week.

Anyhow, since I'm doing relatively low miles anyways, is it safe to go ahead and do those every day? What's holding me up right now is my heart rate, so I was hoping that more often would be better to improve that so that I can actually speed it up a bit.


  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I am not a doctor, but I think you can do anything that you are comfortable doing. I also think you should try to push your comfort zone a little every day to try to take it further. As long as you have no medical reason not too. I started out doing workouts 5 days a week. But I am very active at my job so that worked well for me, you may need to start a little slower.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Walking is pretty low stress; you're not going to hurt yourself (short of tripping or something totally unexpected). You can feel free to walk as long or as far as you like. If you start running, I'd recommend something along the lines of couch to 5k (c25k) for building up joints and stabilizer muscles over time. You can hurt yourself by running to much to early. The stress on your body is a lot more severe, and you want to ease into it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    C25K is a great way to start running. You do it every other day and you can just walk on the days inbetween.
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    Before my treadmill's motor burned out, I walked on it every day for an hour at about 3 miles an hour. I did some strengthening exericise with bands and a ball 3 days a week. The only day I didn't used the treadmill was Sunday. I really need to get a new treadmill some more bands and my ball back.
  • Amb_er100
    Actually i don't really care about miles i walk what matters to me is walking walking walking even indoor,in you house . I think there's really a way to get started , just walk anytime you feel like it and for how long u feel like it