First time to comitt, Last time to give up...

I am not a person that easily commits to anything. I have struggled with weight for many years. I gain, I loose, I gain, I loose. I knew what I needed to do to settle this. Just didn't want to commit. I tried the myfitnesspal a while back to see how many calories I was eating and was shocked. In May of 2012 I went to the doctor and was told I might be pre-diabetic. I am trying to keep from taking any medications. After several Dr. advised I loose some weight, I downloaded the App to my droid phone again. He advised I start a diabetic based 2000 calorie diet. I began tracking my calories, and found a 2000 calorie diabetic diet plan to start with. I liked the food but could not get even close to 2000 calories. I averaged 1150 the first 3 months. My weight came off naturally. I went from 38-32 to 32-34 pants in 6 months. I finally settled in on a diet of average 1350 calories. With what little exercise do, (needs to be more) I plan to hit my goal of 185 lbs before Thanksgiving. I feel better, have more energy and don’t constantly think about what am I going to eat next. Now at 192 lbs, and 56 lbs gone so far (started at 248).