What alcohol drinks do you allow yourself?



  • molson 67 sublime so good!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Any alcoholic drink I fancy but I fit it in my calorie allowance. Mostly cider at the moment (made from apples so must be good for you? OK, maybe not.)

    Never drink lite beers - drink less of a good beer.
  • wildfirediva
    Just about anything in moderation....
    I am a fan of craft beers but I do limit them. One of my favorite pubs offers flights (tasters, 1-2 oz servings) of beer . About once a month or less I treat myself to a flight or one -2 really good beers.

    On my more social moments I stick to flavored vodka and seltzer/soda water, diet soda or diet energy drink (red bull, rock star, etc.)

    Like someone mentioned earlier I track my booze calories as honestly as possible ahead of time and work to adjust my calories accordingly.
  • shlobiwan
    shlobiwan Posts: 109 Member
    I rarely drink these days, but when I do, gin & diet ginger ale is my go to drink. 158 cals and easily made to fit into my macros.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you think about it, when you're drinking, of course you're consuming empty calories and carbs but most people when they're drinking or after, also eat when they aren't even hungry. I can't tell you how many times I'd stop at Taco Bell after a night of drinking when I had already ate dinner 5 hours prior.

    It's a lifestyle change and some people are willing to do it and want to do it and some aren't,

    I think these two statements are key for drinking and be healthy.

    1. If you can't control your eating while drinking then it's probably time to quit drinking, or drink a more reasonable amount.

    2. While the wording about lifestyle change above is a little smug, it really is wise to determine now what you want your lifestyle to be once you are at goal. If you don't want drinking to be part of your lifestyle then there is no reason not to cut it out. But if you do want it to be part of your healthy lifestyle, then it would be better to learn how to control your eating and drinking now, rather than lose weight and still have those problems when you add alcohol back to your diet.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Bridemaid's Punch.... Two Bottles of Moscato, Bottle of Diet Sprite, can of Pink Lemonade Concentrate. Garnish with Strawberries... 86 calories a 6oz glass (and whater strawberries you eat).
  • NemoDog
    Woody's Raspberry Light, only 99 calories per bottle
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Drinking on the weekends is the reason my weekends never stay in the green.....but I'm not about to give up drinking with friends...I am still losing just fine with 1-2 days of 800-1000 calories in drinks. I'm not fixing what ain't broke!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    None anymore I put off stopping for years because I didnt want to think about never drinking again Well when I hit 367 pounds and my B/P went thru the roof I realised that being alive was better than worrying about not drinking. I decided to stop till I lost 100 pounds and then enjoy some every so often I never went back after the 100 I found I didnt miss it at all so now maybe after I lose 200 I will consider some every so often.
    Nah not really I had some wine on vacation in Aruba a year ago and felt like crap the next morning when I went out for my run on the beach dry mouth sweaty and clammy so for me its a memory
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I work all week for the weekend. I work my cals around so I have the available room and always exercise the day I plan to drink. On that note I drink whiskey. On a Friday night I'll put down about a pint. I usually chase it with half a Monster. It's what I enjoy to do and I don't do it every night so I'm not pressed. I have lost 60lbs so far.

    I may have a glass or two of wine(Red Moscato) on holidays when the family is all together.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I like an occasional Rum & Coke but we use Xevia Cola instead of coke. I can't do artificial sweeteners outside of Xylitol, Stevia and the one that starts with "E" that I can't seem to spell or pronounce so Xevia works for me (sweetened with Stevia and the "E" sweetener.)

    ETA: Alcohol does impede weight loss progress for many of us but if this truly is a "lifestyle change" then you need to figure out how to balance all the stuff you enjoy with good health. I like an occasional hot cocoa with Kahlua or Irish Cream on a cold winter's night too but it's a rare treat.
  • 78nSunny
    78nSunny Posts: 43 Member
    Vodka on the Rocks (Kettle One or Ciroc), and on especially good weeks with no cheating a Guinness or two during the games but never more than two. If my Dad is in town EVERY EVENING at 5pm (set your watch by it) Red wine on the back deck before dinner.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    We shouldn't speak of alcohol on a fitness site. You can't lose weight while drinking alcohol. Don't allow yourselves to do it, people. Just don't.

    :wink: (for all on my FL)
  • chigau_me
    gin and tonic, or cosmpolitan (made at home) or martini with some juice ... or almost anything depending on the mood :) i have about one drink a week, usually it fits well with my calories as i rarely eat enough for my daily goal
  • KaraJ22
    Fire Fly Sweet Tea Vodka + Water= 66 calories

    It's not too stiff (depending on how much water you mix with) or overly sweet
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    any and all. personally I haven't found it made any kind of difference in weight loss or weight gain.
  • bail8gent
    If I drink on Saturday night I would have some type of Good Vodka - I really like Van Gogh Espresso tastes just like Iced coffee... :tongue:

    Also cherry or grape vodka just on the rocks !
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i drink whatever i want to, i work hard during the week and let loose on the weekends, works for me!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Once per week or month, I might drink some Cuervo Gold tequila or Jack Daniels with a chaser. Beer and wine give me a headache
  • jiz35
    jiz35 Posts: 64 Member
    As a couple of others have said already any alcohol I have is logged into my food & drink diary to try to keep under upper calorie limit, not always successful though.

    I tend to have a glass of medium dry white wine with dinner most evenings and probably a bit more at weekends. Alternatively a glass or two of sparkling. Sometimes I have a schnapps (blackcurrent) or amaretto after a meal with coffee if out.