Stopping the morning snack?



  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    My best friend when I'm starving in-between meals, is water, and a lot of water.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You have to listen to your body. If it needs food, fuel it properly. I brought strawberries for a snack before the Hurricane. This week I got apples.

    Do what works for you - if it's nuts, eat a small handful. If it's an energy bar or string cheese, fine.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Eating between meals was a major problem for me; I never knew when to stop. So I can't do the snacking thing.

    I have 4 meals per day starting about 8 AM (even though sometimes I get up at 5 AM), 200-400 calories each. I expect to get hungry before meals, but I wait (on a good day) and drink water instead.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Count all calories. When I am needing a snack I've found two helpful choices. Ten raw almonds are only70 calories, so I measure out ten, and eat one or two as I need them. The other snack that works for me is herbal tea. I pick one without caffeine, or one with caffeine depending on how I feel. Tea is pretty much calorie free.
  • StacyJCrain
    StacyJCrain Posts: 63 Member
    I understand how you feel. I eat breakfast at 4:30 and lunch is uasually between 11 and 12 so snacking has become an impotant part of my morning.I work a job with no set break times so most of the time I have to work and eat the sime time so I try to bring fruit, premeasured cereal, fiber one bars and plan it into daily calories.. I just really started preplanning all meals and snack for the day it has helped tremendously. Best of luck to you.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Drink more water, and tea.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    sounds like you're on a similar schedule as me... i'm up at 4:30, out the door at 5 for work. i noticed the same problem, that I would be so hungry all morning i'd end up having 2 snacks before lunch (11:00 or 11:30) and then feel like all my calories were pretty much used up.

    what i've done recently is tried have a much smaller breakfast, that way allowing my 2 snacks before lunch without completely devouring my calories by 11am. i don't usually wake up hungry, so i will eat ~100-200 cals at 5am on my drive to work (including coffee), and this has been working to keep me until about 8am when i'll eat another 100-200 cals... and then if necessary another 100-200 cals at 9:30 or 10am - but i don't always have 2 snacks.

    basically i end up with about 400-500 cals for dinner, when i used to be luck if i'd see 250... i don't feel as hungry through the day, and don't feel like salad is my only option for dinner. it has been working most of the time.

    and my other piece of advice, is to eat slowly. take time between bites... have a sip of water... listen to a full verse or chorus of a song before taking another bite... count to 5, whatever. this has helped me stay satiated for longer periods. don't know why, but it seems to help. :)
  • supermoo2
    There is nothing wrong with having a snack, especially when you have breakfast that early. Try to make it a healthy snack, eg a banana or an apple, so that it is healthy. That way you get some of the fruit you should have in the day and it won't be alot of calories.

    Also, sipping water during the morning will help to alleviate hunger.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    You need a snack.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    technically you should be snacking all day... well small meals and snacks any how...
    Why? This is one of those myths that really needs to go away...
  • ChadB74
    ChadB74 Posts: 128 Member
    My day starts around 6am so I understand early breakfast. i found what fills me up is a low cal wrap (50) with 2 tbsp peanut butter (190) spread on it and a banana inside the wrap (90-130) about 300-350 cal depending on product selection
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    well oatmeal helps me stay full longer or more protein. I get really hungry between breakfast and lunch too and I just gave in and started packing a yogurt, cottage cheese, some fruit ect! Good Luck!
  • mamaweesa
    mamaweesa Posts: 17 Member
    my body does best when i eat 100-200 calories every 2-3 hours and drink my water. (i'm female so males might need more calories, i dont know.) this is what my fitness coach recommends for all of his clients, and it has worked well for all of us as far as i know.
    some people need protein at certain times during the day, which can be found in many different greens so you aren't taking in too many calories.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Make your afternoon snack a fruit or some beans & you're all good until lunch time! A typical Monday or Thursday (based around my classes) is:

    Breakfast at 5:30 -- Banana at 10:30 -- 1/2 cup of beans at 12:00 -- Apple at 3:30 -- Gym at 5:00 -- Rest of beans after gym at 5:45 -- Dinner at home at 8:30 -- 30DS/ dance -- Post-workout-replenishing snack (usually apple slices with peanut butter) -- Bed at 9:45

    It distributes my food throughout the day so I'm not starving, keeps my metabolism running, & best of all I remain under my daily caloric goal! Feel free to have that snack honey, it's perfectly fine :)

    P.S. -- If I didn't get home so late, I would be doing my 30DS/ dance practice much earlier & eating more calories at dinner, therefore cutting out my post-workout-replenishing snack entirely (because dinner would be the replenisher). Base it around how you work as an individual!