

  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    In the end none of this matters. If you have a regular routine between work and working out, it's just not that complicated. If you consume an average of 2400 calories per day for 2 weeks and you find that you are down 2 pounds then you can assume that you are eating at a deficit.

    I cannot even begin to count the ways this is wrong...What if i weight 90 lbs and i'm 4' 11"? you're telling me that every human being on earth can use the BlackTimber method.

    you should write a book!

    I think you misunderstand his point. I don't think it was everyone should eat at 2400, that was an example. I think he means if you are doing the same workouts and averaging the same amount of calories, and losing, you are at a deficit and simply continue to do that (although at some point you would have to either up the exercise or lower the calories as your body gets smaller it won't burn as burn as many calories therefore your deficit would be smaller)

    Its not just because your body gets smaller...your body and heart get more fit

    Azduk explains it pretty well I this thread

    "If you weighed the same, you and Lance would be burning approximately the same number of calories. It's just that he can sustain the effort easily and do even more, and you can't.

    Heart rate by itself has nothing to do with calorie burn."
    (In reference to biking at same pace)

    yes but his explanation requires math skills which i do not have. I was simply stating an HRM is far more accurate than this site. And because i pulled that statement out of my butt while i was running on the treadmill this morning thinking about it, i do not need to cite any resources to substantiate my claim

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i keep seeing the same convo over and over.

    So you decided to post it again? Try this angle: Even if HRMs were as accurate as you think (they aren't) no one needs to know their exact "burn" to lose weight. You don't have to track exercise calories at all, in fact. People have been getting in shape for decades before HRMs starting getting touted as calorie calculators. Save your money.
  • CrystalGetFitJackson26
    I have my MFP set to lose 2 lbs per week. I run about 5-7 miles everyday. Each mile being around 8-10 mins, which runs me about 500-600 cals burned per day, 60 push ups = 20 cals, 100 sit up = 30 cals, 40 mins of walking at a brisk pace = 120 cals burned but what I do, even though MFP says I burning about 700-800 calories per day I only eat 1,450 calories per day, that way I give myself a little space to eat more since I'm a runner and if the calculations are off, as many of you have been saying, I am still losing weight. Just because you burn the calories doesn't mean you should go crazy with your intake any way, set a calorie intake and make your body get use to it, this will help in the long run when you are trying to maintain your weight loss , personally my body has gotten use to a 1,450 calorie a day diet and that is what I am sticking with, at least until the Cross Country season is over... I have been trying to maintain btw 140-142 until the season is over, then I will get back on my weight loss to hit my goal of 130 lbs and ripped :-)
  • CrystalGetFitJackson26
    I have my MFP set to lose 2 lbs per week. I run about 5-7 miles everyday. Each mile being around 8-10 mins, which runs me about 500-600 cals burned per day, 60 push ups = 20 cals, 100 sit up = 30 cals, 40 mins of walking at a brisk pace = 120 cals burned but what I do, even though MFP says I burning about 700-800 calories per day I only eat 1,450 calories per day, that way I give myself a little space to eat more since I'm a runner and if the calculations are off, as many of you have been saying, I am still losing weight. Just because you burn the calories doesn't mean you should go crazy with your intake any way, set a calorie intake and make your body get use to it, this will help in the long run when you are trying to maintain your weight loss , personally my body has gotten use to a 1,450 calorie a day diet and that is what I am sticking with, at least until the Cross Country season is over... I have been trying to maintain btw 140-142 until the season is over, then I will get back on my weight loss to hit my goal of 130 lbs and ripped :smile:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I have my MFP set to lose 2 lbs per week. I run about 5-7 miles everyday. Each mile being around 8-10 mins, which runs me about 500-600 cals burned per day, 60 push ups = 20 cals, 100 sit up = 30 cals, 40 mins of walking at a brisk pace = 120 cals burned but what I do, even though MFP says I burning about 700-800 calories per day I only eat 1,450 calories per day, that way I give myself a little space to eat more since I'm a runner and if the calculations are off, as many of you have been saying, I am still losing weight. Just because you burn the calories doesn't mean you should go crazy with your intake any way, set a calorie intake and make your body get use to it, this will help in the long run when you are trying to maintain your weight loss , personally my body has gotten use to a 1,450 calorie a day diet and that is what I am sticking with, at least until the Cross Country season is over... I have been trying to maintain btw 140-142 until the season is over, then I will get back on my weight loss to hit my goal of 130 lbs and ripped :-)

    There is a difference between being healthy and losing weight. They do not necessarily go hand in hand. Too large of a calorie deficit is not a good thing. For the amount of exercise you do, and your age, that is quite a large deficit, even if you assumed that MFP's numbers are twice as high. You are barely eating above your BMR and are active.

    I am not about going crazy with your intake, I am about fueling my body to perform well and be healthy.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Damn... so I didn't burn 500 calories cleaning the car today? Shoot!
  • SHHitsKaty
    Until I get my HRM I ordered, I have been going off of whatever machine I'm on says I've burned and even then, it's always a different number than what MFP would say if I put the same time in on here. I know neither are probably dead on, so I just assume that it's either a little lower or possibly a little higher than what I have entered.

    I havent tried, but i've heard machines can be very inaccurate.

    Which is why I just said I assume it'd a round about number. I mean, I lost 2 lbs in two weeks without a HRM using what the machine tells me, some I must be doing something right.

    I lost a lot of weight w/out a HRM too, but because my heart got "more fit" i hit a prolly will too. Just sayin

    K. Not worried about it, don't have much to lose at all.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I keep seeing people surprised by the fact that their HRM says they burned less than the cals burned on the site. It’s pretty logical if you think about it:

    This site cannot tell how "INTENSE" you are working out. For instance if I select circuit training, one person might burn 400 in half an hour, another might burn way more or less. The only way to get an accurate cals burned # is w/ an HRM.

    If you haven’t bought one yet, you can trick the system by deducting 200-300 cals off your burned amount (unless you work out very intensely) or you can select loose two pounds vs 1 lb per week. That way you will be about 500 or so under regardless.

    I hope this helps! Not being critical, but i keep seeing the same convo over and over.

    I'll be waiting for my HRM to arrive at my doorstep. I prefer UPS, but FedEx is acceptable.

    Meanwhile, I will continue using MFP's database and continue getting great results.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i keep seeing the same convo over and over.

    So you decided to post it again? Try this angle: Even if HRMs were as accurate as you think (they aren't) no one needs to know their exact "burn" to lose weight. You don't have to track exercise calories at all, in fact. People have been getting in shape for decades before HRMs starting getting touted as calorie calculators. Save your money.

    Never bought one and probably never will. I can't justify the expense. :smokin:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I totally agree! You did not burn 100 calories by vacuuming!!
    I bought a heart rate monitor recently and I'm shocked at how few calories I burn. It's a little sad, but at least I know the truth!

    If you can burn 100 calories from walking, then you can burn 100 calories doing light cleaning. Basically, vacuuming, dusting, etc burn about the same number of calories as walking.
  • antigone23
    antigone23 Posts: 12 Member
    When I started using a HRM (Polar FT4), I found that I was actually burning MORE calories than MFP said I was. So, I would not automatically assume MFPs estimates are high.
  • neilisfat
    neilisfat Posts: 20 Member
    If it helps you mentally, it helps you physically. The placebo effect can be helpful. Don't make this stuff to hard for yourself.
  • bsharrah
    bsharrah Posts: 129 Member
    i keep seeing the same convo over and over.

    So you decided to post it again? Try this angle: Even if HRMs were as accurate as you think (they aren't) no one needs to know their exact "burn" to lose weight. You don't have to track exercise calories at all, in fact. People have been getting in shape for decades before HRMs starting getting touted as calorie calculators. Save your money.

    Once again, DavPul speaks the truth, but I predict, once again, it will be ignored, and people will continue to praise the "accuracy" of their precious hrm's. These threads make for great entertainment though.
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    I don't know if your completely right about this I have always lost my weekly goal weight unless I had a really bad week, but then again when I work out I give it my all.