Is it really bad if...

Ninaad Posts: 28
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started this program. I did really well on the eating and working out last week, but I slipped up a couple of times this week. Not horribly, but enough that it was discouraging. Is it really bad if once in awhile you have a bad day as far as going over on calories? Thanks!


  • Going over on calories every once in a while is not going to hurt you. As long as you don't make a habit of it or go over by say a thousand or more calories, 2 or 300 hundred really won't hurt. I actually have one or two cheat days a month which keeps me from craving bad foods.
  • here's the thing....if you're looking at it as a diet then you'll just make yourself miserable when you have "off days".....but if you look at it as more of a lifestyle change (altho to be honest i'm not a fan of that term, it sounds so cheese) then you just had a day with some not so great choices---but in the long run it's just one day.....the next day is a clean slate and another opportunity to make heathlier choices....
  • No! It's completely normal to slip up. The main thing is to not give up.
    If you beat yourself up too badly about it, you may give up altogether~ and which is worse? To have a bad day, or give up?
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I Ditto Bama and Genny. Going over a bit once in awhile wont set you back as long as it is not a habit. Also I say its is a lifestyle choice. I know for myself I know what my mantanice calories are (calories that you can intake and not lose or gain weight) I know that if I go over but stay in the mantainace range that I wont undo the hardwork. Also I think that at least for me you cannot deny yourself everything because if you do you set yourself up to fail. Remember everything in moderaton.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Having a "cheat" day is good for the psyche. Personally, I feel completely de-stressed when I have one every once in a great while. :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    here's the thing....if you're looking at it as a diet then you'll just make yourself miserable when you have "off days".....but if you look at it as more of a lifestyle change (altho to be honest i'm not a fan of that term, it sounds so cheese) then you just had a day with some not so great choices---but in the long run it's just one day.....the next day is a clean slate and another opportunity to make heathlier choices....

    I agree, so what should we call it? obsession? "better choices"? Surely we can come with somthing amusing and cute to call the ubiquitous "this"
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    1 lb= 3500 calories
    So, if you have your loss set at 1lb a week, you are automatically set at a 500 calorie a day deficit. So unless you go WAY over everyday, you'll still lose. Just not as fast as you had originally planned. Probably. There are all kinds of buts with this. Water retention, metabolism, etc etc etc. I don't stress about it. A cheat meal/day once in awhile is actually recommended. It keeps you from going bizerk and eating all kinds of junk that you've been craving. If you know that you can have it on such-in-such a date, or after you reach such-in-such goal, you are less likely to binge. Don't fret over it. Start fresh tomorrow.
  • QueenInge
    QueenInge Posts: 25 Member
    It will be OK! I started Jan 1st and I have went over on my calories almost every day. The good news is that I have still lost 3.5 lbs so far. I have been eating a whole lot better than I used to so I am making progress. I have never been able to make an effort to lose weight before so I am thrilled. You will learn more tricks and tips as you go along. All the little changes turn out to make a big difference. Have an apple with your sandwich instead of chips. Have mustard instead of ketchup. Have hot tea (with Splenda, cinnamon and a fresh slice of orange) with tootsie rolls instead of a handful of chocolate chip cookies and whole milk. Even 1% or 2% milk instead of whole milk. March in place when you are on hold. Do leg lifts when you are watching TV. It all adds up. Find out what satisfies you. You will do just fine!
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    Try not to stress about it, it happens, and the key is to just go back on track the next day. I did well the first 10 days, then went on vacation ( on which I went completely off track for 6 days), felt terrible about it, but instead of continuing to feel bad, I just went back on track on the next day. Now, 3 days later, I am back where I was before the vacation.

    Life happens, we can't be perfect all the time.
  • Ninaad
    Ninaad Posts: 28
    Thanks for all of your responces! They are very helpful and encouraging!
  • It is sooo not bad! I do the same thing every 2-3 weeks. It keeps me going knowing that I have that day to splurge. Lol.
  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    Actually, going over every once in a while is GOOD for your metabolism, it situlates your "enigine" to pay attention a little. Day after day of the same caloric intake can lead you to a plateau.

    So, if you're going to splurge, make sure you really enjoy it and do it within reason!
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