Not losing ANY weight : ( Could it be hypothyroid?



  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too and have lost almost 100lbs in the last 15 months or so.

    Are you changing up your exercise? Also, I would echo the comments about going to get your BMR checked. I did and found out my BMR is under 1200 cals/day so in order to lose, I HAVE to eat under 1200 and exercise (which I know a lot of people on this site will frown about, but it's what was prescribed by my dietitian).

    You might also get a heart rate monitor to be sure you're getting your heart rate up during exercise. Try adding in some intervals.

    No, you should NOT eat under your BMR.
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    I also have a hypothyroid.....avoid all gluten and lift heavy. Worked like a charm for me. Good luck!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I just had my levels checked last month and they were fine, I take my medication regularly, yes.

    I'll just have to keep at it. My diet is pretty good, lots of protein....probably too much dairy, I should probably check that at the door. I love my cheese, though!

    So, your fT3 and fT4 are well into normal range? Like, fT4 is WELL above 1.0? If that's the case, and you're not having any other symptoms, I'd go ahead and look at other things, like if you're eating enough, logging correctly, etc.
  • 05saleengirl
    Depends. What's your free T3 and free T4 look like?

    Finally someone said it. THIS is correct. If your blood .work is low, meds not right....yea its very hard to lose the weight. I have it myself. And recently had to readjust my meds...lowered them actually because tok much can have a hypo like effectt on some. And once I got my meds right...the weight loss is picking back up....and ivr done nothing different. Still exercising still eating clean.
  • 05saleengirl
    I just had my levels checked last month and they were fine, I take my medication regularly, yes.

    I'll just have to keep at it. My diet is pretty good, lots of protein....probably too much dairy, I should probably check that at the door. I love my cheese, though!

    Ok, what is fine though? Just being in range is not enough. Is your ft4 no more than mid range? And t3 Atleast in the upper 3/4 of the range? Also have you had your reverse t3 levels checked? I had that issue...blood work looked paper...but u wad sick as hell. Look at lots of good info