Second attempt to get some idea.

I posted this earlier today and thanks to the few that responded. I know more of you ar eon here this time of night so lets try this agian. Maybe it's bot an interesting subject.:yawn: Question....Did any of you not lose a thing in the first weeks or month of counting calories and then, like a switch drop a few-5lbs? I see people on here that drop 5 the first week or two then is the loss slows but is it possible for your body to "freeze up" in the very beginning? I have changed my diet so dramatically lately, ie. vegetarian for 2 years now eating lean meats ect. I am wondering if I've really thrown my body for a loop. Also how many days after TOM would you say I can weigh and get the most accurate reading? Thanks


  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    I lost 4#'s the first week stayed within my calories and exercised. Same the 2nd week but gained 2#'s. 3rd. week down a few #'s. All in all I've lost 6#'s and I restarted on MFP on January 4th. I am still waiting to see if I drop 5#'s quick. I've lost inch's though. . My energy level has soared.! Not sure if this gives you a better idea of the first weeks. I am about 20-30lbs. overweight. Not so much compared to the others. So when you see real big numbers dropped it's because they have more to loose. For someone like me it's going to come off slower then someone who is closer to 200.
    Good Luck!
  • mirandam1076
    I am aiming to lose 25 to get me at the very threshold of my ideal BMI. It's not coming off like it used too!:sad: :mad:
  • spena
    spena Posts: 1
    I know someone else already said this but they were right... the more weight you have to lose the bigger the numbers should drop. I dropped 2 pounds the first and second week then went up a pound then dropped a few more. It also may take your body a bit longer to adjust because you are now eating more protein then when you were strictly a vegetarian. I just switched my caloric intake today so that I am eating a much higher percentage of protien. As long as you work out hard while doing this you can shed pounds faster. Just make sure you weigh yourself the same time of day and with the same clothes/or no clothes on for an acurate reading.( I do it once a week in the morning before breakfast) And remember if you are working out too, muscle weighs more then fat so you can't look at just your weight. Good luck!:)
  • QueenInge
    QueenInge Posts: 25 Member
    I would think a week after TOM would be a good time. Water weight should be gone by then. Make sure you do weight and measurements before PMS week when you may be tempted to consume more salt or junk than normal. Regarding the sudden weight loss, I have been surprised the find I had lost weight when I thought I had cheated enough to gain weight. Think yours has anything to do with putting yourself in starvation mode and then correcting it? Someone blogged about too few calories and how it affects your muscle mass and metobolism. It was explained really well but I'm sorry, I don't remember what topic they had it listed under.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I lost 45 lbs in year now I am stuck...I gain a few I lose a few but I am maintaining although I still want to lose another 25 lbs atleast. But I have to admit it is all my fault I havent been as dedicated as I should. We have been doing alot of traveling and I havent been eating the way I should be..I know that is not an excuse but it is the reason...hoping to be better.
  • tesshandel
    I did not loose any weight the first few weeks and then I suddenly dropped 5 lbs in one week. I learned from this program that I ate too few calories. I exercise a lot. I exercise 2-3 hours at least 5 days a week including wt training. I lost inches those first few weeks so I know I was adding muscle weight, which weighs more than fat. You should be doing weight training along with cardiovascular in order to rev up your metabolism. Every three weeks you should be able to lift more weight.--so keep upping the pounds you are lifting. As you know, if you were active before you started a fitness program, you are going to lose weight slower. I had 40 lbs to lose; however, I was very I am losing slower than most. I keep telling people that I have a lot of muscle weight for a girl, which is why I have so much to lose :). I actually bench press 125 lbs and leg press 450 lbs (and I am 45). So keep your spirits up and remember to eat! If you eat too few calories your body will go into starvation mode. I have done this time and time again....oops! Now that I am eating better and more....I have never been healthier. So good luck to you!!