ok mio vs fit bit vs vody media

Ok guys I want to find a more accurate account for my calories burned. I am not rich and a lot of the time I lose interest in things so I don't want to spend my paycheck on some gizmo I never use... And don't want to give my husband a heart attack. I do Zumba and I would love to see what a really burn and want something that links to mfp automatically. Experiences please.


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    If its just for exercise- you're better off with a heart rate monitor. Fitbit is ok for daily activity ( also look at the STRIIV Play). Monody fit media/ body bug is somewhere in between but very 'in show'. Nothing is perfect for everything.
  • mollyjtaylor
    I LOVE my Fit bit. I even accidently washed mine and they sent me a brand new one! For FREE! It syncs very easily to MFP.
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I have a fitbit also and like it very much. I find that i work out a little more and walk more because i like to see the numbers go up. i think that you would be happy with it. Good luck.:wink:
  • prairiedawg2014
    i have a Mio Active Connect and i love it!!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If its just for exercise, get a heart rate monitor - my Garmin 110 does it all for me, and I know it's accurate because it's actually based om MY heart rate, not some educated guess based on my height and weight and age and the amount of steps I took.....
  • ajsmommy2010
    I think a HRM would be great for you if your wanting accurate calories burned. I use the Ploar HRM and it works great and is very accurate since it doesn't estimate my heart rate. Do some research :-)
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    Is the mio considered a HRM?
  • AggiePaige
    Have you gotten your mio to sync with MFP? I've had mine for a month and it has only synced once! I am largely guessing on how to apply the data from mio to MFP. What do you do?
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I love my Body Media Armband and it syncs with MFP and I also have the "Link" so I can set the "Workout" timer and it will tell me exactly what I'm burning during a session at the gym.