
Hey. I am 25 and have had idiopathic Gastroparesis (meaning they do not know what has caused it). I have seen many posts on the message boards from other people with this disease who have been asking for advice and tips to help with gastroparesis. I have had Gastroparesis and acid reflux my entire life. It took me many years to be diagnosed with Gastroparesis. Since I have been diagnosed I have tried many different procedures, surgeries, medications, natural medicine (which I went to college for) or anything I could think of. I have had 7 surgeries since I was 16 yrs old and will be having several more throughout the rest of my life. For my gastroparesis I have had a gastric stimulator placed in my chest which with leads connects to my stomach. It repeatedly shocks my stomach all day to help the vagus nerve in my stomach flex to break down food and help it empty out of my stomach. This surgery is incredible. It made such a big difference. The doctors sometimes would want to turn the battery off for a week just to see if it made a difference and i would always call the very next day and beg them to turn it back on because there was such a big difference. As soon as they turned off the battery I started getting very nauseas and stomach hurt really bad which turned into vomitting and dehydration. I highly suggest this surgery if you are not responding well to the medical diet (no fat and no fiber) and medications. Even though the gastric stimulator has helped greatly i have still had trouble staying hydrated and getting enough nutrition, so 2 years ago they gave me a jejunostomy feeding tube. it is surgically placed through my abdomen into my stomach and threaded out of my stomach to my intestines a little ways so my stomach does not get used unless I eat or drink through my mouth. Its made a big difference and it is really nice to not have to eat or drink when i cant. I barely go to the Emergency Room anymore when I used to go a few times a month. Also, the best natural thing I have been able to do to help my gastroparesis is exercising. I used think it was bull**** and couldnt make that much of a difference with my metabolism and stomach pain. But believe me it has changed my life. I joined a chronic pain program where they taught us physical therapy to help us lose weight if needed, strengthen body, decrease pain, in my case speed up my metabolism and decreases stomach pain, and taught us relaxations techniques and how to manage your illness. This program changed my life completely. I have finally taken back control over my life. My disease is no longer in control of me. I have lost 12 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks due to this program. I have been able to not have to use my feeding tube as often for nutrition and can eat more normally without getting sick, or having take nausea or pain meds as often. My hair and skin are so much better now. My hair is growing fast and getting really thick. My nails are growing long and are thicker. Dont give up hope. I was told for years there is nothing anymore that the doctors can do for me. But there is something you can do for yourself. Look up a chronic pain clinic and program and do it. Itll change your life. You too can take back control of your life. Dont let your disease win. You are stronger than it.


  • eenashay
    eenashay Posts: 2 Member
    I just got diagnosed and feel so awful and have been scared. Nobody I know has heard of this a neither did I. I don’t understand how you could be ok and then develop this.