Counting Properly

I'm very good about remembering to track my exercise, however, I'm worried about how I'm counting the time. For example, I was on a swim team and our practices were an hour and a half long but I would only log the time I actually spend doing laps (by estimating and subtracting how much time was spent "resting" between sets and time spent listening to instruction). Is this the proper way to count it? What if I have an exercise video that lasts for 40 minutes but each "rep" lasts only a minute? Should I count only the minutes that I'm doing it? What if my heart rate still remains high in the time between exercises?

Usually, I end up logging much less than the amount of time I actually spend at practice. Is this the proper way to count?

Thank you!


  • allinoelle007
    allinoelle007 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! I think that people have many different ways to log it. I personally log the whole time that I am working out (in motion and including breaks if they are less than a minute). I do however change the calories that MFP says I burn because I know that it is overestimating. I change it to 75% of what MFP says or of what the cardio machine says.

    Hope this helps!