Does Weight Training for a 1/2 Hour Work?



  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Guess I'm not a 'serious lifter' then.

  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I did forty minutes 2-3 times a week for a while and I was able to gain strength and muscle, so yes, it can be enough. Just make sure the time you do spend there is intense.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Absolutely! I do 30 minutes with my trainer twice a week. I can do full pushups now, I can see muscle definition, I can do pullups. I can benchpress 75 pounds. Are these HUGE things? No. But it is FAR more than I was able to do before I started strength training. It's slow, but it's steady.

    Honey, those ARE huge things!! Congrats!!! :drinker:
  • jgsparks89
    jgsparks89 Posts: 85 Member
    I think so. I mean, not if you want to body build or lift competitively I guess....but for my goals, it works well. I don't alternate upper/lower body. I do an all over workout every time I strength train and combine free weights, machines, and core. I also do mine after cardio. I have tried doing the interval thing (cardio for so long, stop, do strength) and I just don't really care for it. I think it just comes down to what works for your goals.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's good to hear that a 1/2 hour of weight training has benefited others. I've gotten some excellent tips and I should keep in mind I don't have to limit my strength training to the gym!