Anyone want a Polar FT60?

Moderator, I'm not sure if I can do this, and if I'm out of line, please delete the post, and let me know. Otherwise, I have a nearly new Polar FT60 HRM, complete with a new, in the package chest strap, and sending unit, along with another belt/sending unit that I had been using. Both belts are the M-XXL size, not the smaller size. In addition, I will toss in the Polar Flowlink device to upload the HRM's data to the Polar Website. Together, new, these will go for around $200, ($150 for the FT60, around $50 for the Flowlink, not including the new strap). I was going to put these up on E-bay, but thought I would first offer it here in the community for $125, shipped. I don't know how to post a pic here, but if you'd like to see a shot of any of the stuff, let me know, thorough E-mail, (oeagleo (at) q dot com) and I will send them to you.

I will leave this for a week, barring moderator's removal, and then they'll all be up as one lot on E-bay.
Reason for selling is that I have moved to a Suunto T6D HRM, and am using Firstbeat to keep track of my data.



  • oeagleo
    oeagleo Posts: 70 Member
    I forgot to add that this is the square, MEN's type watch, not the one with the "crease" down the middle.. (Women's)
  • no money :(
  • immarungirl
    immarungirl Posts: 35 Member
    I recently got the Polar FT60 when I do the treadmill or the elliptical trainer my heart rate matches the machines perfectly, but the calorie burn can be as much as 100 less on the Polar FT60. I am not sure what to trust and of course am VERY disappointed on the numbers on the Polar FT60.


  • oeagleo
    oeagleo Posts: 70 Member
    Most heart rate monitors are notoriously inaccurate. It's best to just use them as a guideline, I take the lowest number for my readings, that way I know I'm doing best, and if I'm under, that's a good thing. One thing, I have recently went to a Suunto T6D, which is very accurate, as it measures the actual time between heartbeats. I also started using a software (Firstbeat Athlete) for extremely detailed data (I'm a computer person, and therefore a huge data junkie), and the difference between the way that Firstbeat interprets the data from the HRM, and the way that the Suunto site ( is almost double the calories on Movescount. I use the data from the Firstbeat information, as that company is involved in extreme athlete training, and has many good white papers on the how/why/what they're doing with the data.

    I guess bottom line is that (to my knowledge) no heart rate monitor that we can actually afford will give perfect results, it's best to be consistent, and use only one of the interpretations, and use that as a guide, not cold, hard facts, and you'll be okay. I've lost right at 100 Lbs using this theory, so I know it works.. Not easy, when you really want that Weight Watchers Double Fudge Brownie, but you're close to the limit, but that's where determination comes in.. :-)
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    Curious, I know this post is over a year+ old, but did you sell it?! :smile: it was a good deal and I'm looking to buy. :wink:
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    I want it, but not buying it.. your tagline says anyone want one?! Oh n why is this even up for sale in 2012? WTH? You should be banned for false advertising! :laugh: :wink: