


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!

    No. Completely untrue. Your blood pH is strictly controlled. If what you say is really true, then everybody would be dead, because a human being will die if their blood pH goes out of whack for any extended amount of time. It's not a chronic condition, it's a potentially fatal medical emergency. Also, the food you eat has absolutely no effect on your body's pH. Your stomach's pH is much more acidic than any food you will ever eat, it is impossible for a food to make your stomach more acidic.

    As for the OP, life is to be lived, do you really want to spend the rest of your life never going out with your boys and enjoying a cheeseburger and milk shake? That's definitely not a life I'd want to live.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why can't you fit that into your calorie target? Even if you went over, I doubt it put you over maintenance. You ate it, you enjoyed it...what is wrong with that? Just fit it in.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    You haven't sabotaged anything! you enjoyed your lunch. fit it into your calorie count for the day. easy peasy....if you're a little over today, try to be a little under tomorrow. I try to stay within my goal for the weekly average.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!


  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I wish I could see your food diary.
    Its probably not as bad as you think.
    You should enjoy these foods, log, move on.

    Do you weight train, or do cardio?

    theres alaways room for something yummy.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!


  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Don't sweat it....just add grilled onions next time YUMMY!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    But make no mistakes and switch up my channel
    I'm Buddy Rich when I fly off the handle
    What could it be, it's a mirage
    You're scheming on a thing, that's sabotage
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I can't stand it,
    I know you planned it
    I'm gonna set it straight,
    this Watergate.

    ETA: Dagnabbit...skullshank and _Timmeh_ beat me to it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't understand, I just don't see the issue. I go out to dinner with my hubs and son very single Friday and have cheeseburger and fries. I just plan it and do it and fit it into my weekly calories. The only time I regret it is if the burger is well done or the fries are cold.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!


    Are you writing a scary bedtime story for small children? If so, please rewrite, because even my 5 year daughter would not fall for this poppycock.

    And how come I didn't get the memo that cheeseburgers were sabotage? I've been eating at least 4 per week this entire year while losing all this weight! Oh no! Are they like, sleeper cell type saboteurs? Are the burgers biding their time and waiting for the right moment to erase all my gainz?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!


  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    "Toxic critters"? What genus and species are we talking about? Are they fungi, viruses or bacteria? What lab tests are used to verify their presence?
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Cravings are a direct result of the toxic critters that live inside us. They want to live. They live off the crap we feed them. So they demand it. THEY are the reason we find ourselves holding out 3 days after Halloween, filled with anxiety and cravings and then breaking down and 'stealing' what's left from the candy bowl and scarfing it down on our way to work. THEY make us feel bad about ourselves. YOU are NOT a failure! What critters am I talking about? Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Parasites, Mold, Fungus, toxins. Where do they live? In our blood. Why do they live there? Because our blood is not pH balanced, due to the acidic food we eat. If our blood were pH balanced at 7.3-7.4, the critters could not live. They would DIE. They cannot live in an alkaline environment. They LOVE an acidic environment. They want it to stay that way, so they cry out for more acidic food. Sugar, white flour, fat, deep fried stuff, sugary, sticky, tasty, fatty goodness!

    So... how to kill the little monsters that rob us of our dignity and health? Eat an alkaline, plant-based diet with lots and lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Deprive them of the foods they use to destroy us. Switch over slowly over several weeks by focusing on adding these good things to your diet, rather than focusing on eliminating bad things. Try to eat less of these things, but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. That becomes legalistic and obsessive quite quickly and sets you up for feelings of failure, which is counterproductive. Increase the % of good things you eat to 70% or more and you will soon start feeling better and experiencing fewer cravings, as your blood becomes more and more alkaline. It will take weeks, if not months, and those critters will FIGHT to live. That means cravings. But if you understand what's going on, and expect cravings and have a backup plan [make some raw treats! - Search 'truffles' on this site for a raw trufle recipe], that's half the battle.

    Consider visiting a Live Blood Analyst/Nutritionist in your area for more information and a look at what's actually happening inside YOUR body.

    As long as you eat a mainly acidic diet, you will continue to experience cravings, no matter how much weight you lose.

    Good luck!


    Are you writing a scary bedtime story for small children? If so, please rewrite, because even my 5 year daughter would not fall for this poppycock.

    And how come I didn't get the memo that cheeseburgers were sabotage? I've been eating at least 4 per week this entire year while losing all this weight! Oh no! Are they like, sleeper cell type saboteurs? Are the burgers biding their time and waiting for the right moment to erase all my gainz?

    You just wait sir! Remember in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when Violet Beauregard turned into a giant blueberry? The difference is you'll wake up one morning to find yourself looking like Mayor McCheese from head to toe. Truth. (nods sagely)