good times to drink water

at the end of the day when i fill out how many up of water i notice that i only drank like one glass of water the whole entire day. what are good times to drink water? when do you drink water? how do yo remember?


  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I have a one-liter bottle on my desk at work. (One liter is just over four cups of water.)

    I make sure to finish one liter by lunch and the second liter by the time I go home. That guarantees I get eight cups of water. Whatever I drink at home is a bonus. :) It makes it soooo much easier to keep track.
  • just4class
    im terrible at remembering to drink water. one thing my sisters and i started to do while watching tv is playing tv drinking games, but with water. so for example, take a sip of water everytime Barney from HIMYM says "legendary". My advice is to look them up for your favorite show. They also have tv workouts fyi.
  • NicoleNeverman
    I'm the same as EnchanedEven. I have a water bottle on my desk and having it there actually seems to make me thristy and it has definatly improved my water drinking habits.

    Now if for some reason I don't manage to drink at least a couple of water bottles a day I feel like crap! Which is a good thing as it really encourages me to get enough water :smile:
  • goofyblonde
    goofyblonde Posts: 47 Member
    Train yourself to drink a large glass before each meal. Not only does it help you get your daily amount in, but it also helps signal your brain that you are full sooner. Or you could set an alarm on your phone and drink a 1/2 cup to a cup every time it goes off (every hour or so). Eventually you won't even need the alarm.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I am terrible at drinking water when it is cool, but when it is hotter I have a bottle here by my computer, 1 on my dining table, 1 on the bench and one i my room, this insures that I get my water in so i don't dehydrate, for winter I am thinking a glass before every meal and a glass with my snacks and that then leaves only 2 to p,ace somewhere!!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    When you get up , within one hour drink you a glass of cold water. I like to drink a glass (8 oz) every two hours . But stop before 7pm. if not i will be up all nite. lol
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    I have large glass (10 or 11 ounces) of water in the morning with my vitamins and just before breakfast. Then another large glass of water with my lunch and again with my supper. I have coffee with my breakfast but at other meals I only drink water and I would really miss not drinking water at those times. Then if I am thirsty at other times I will drink water too. I do not measure for the recommended eight glasses each day but think I do get most of the daily amount each day. I don't drink soda or any other drink than coffee. Drinking enough water is healthy and keeps your body hydrated.
    Good luck with your program.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I have a few water bottles at home and always have one filled at my side. they range from 500ml to 1L bottles. As an athlete my goal is about a cup an hour and stop a few hours (2-3) before bed.

    Don't forget that fruits/veg contain some water already so in a sense you're intaking more than you think
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    I have a 1L bottle that goes everywhere (just about) with me. If I am in the living room itr is there, if I have to go to town for something the water bottle goes too. Since it is always at hand, any time I feel the least bit thirsty I have a drink at hand. I can try drinking water if I start to feel hungry - sometimes does the trick so I don't have to eat. I drink soy milk with many of my meals but only a small amount and finish up with more water. Basically those are the only two things I drink. I usually have finished off 2L by lunchtime and then another 2-3 before bed. At first, when I was drinkling more water, I was up most nights but gradually my body got used to it and now it is rare for me to need to get up in the night anymore. Our bodies can adapt.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    at the end of the day when i fill out how many up of water i notice that i only drank like one glass of water the whole entire day. what are good times to drink water? when do you drink water? how do yo remember?

    I have a 24oz shaker bottle I bring with me everywhere! I fill it up and off we go! I drink nothing but water so remembering isn't an issue, but I do have to remember to fill it up when possible. Saves oodles of money from buying sugary beverages or bottled water!