Gained 1.5lb in ONE day? I need help

Hi there. I need advice to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Or even responses from people with similar experiences, and how they're dealing with the demotivation . It's like this:
Pre Oct: weight fluctuated between 225 at lowest and 240. Average weight 233 since Jan12. But have lost over 70lbs since Jan11.
Oct 8: started 3 week vacation. Weight 237 at start. NO exercise to speak of (hiked 2-3 days), and NO careful tracking of calories. Basically I avoided most desserts and all alcohol, but ate pretty much as I wanted
Oct 23: vacation ended. Weight - 230.5!!! Apparently I lost 7lbs not paying any Attention to myself...
Oct 25: resumed exercise, 20-30 minute daily of elliptical training or moderate walking.
Oct 26: Weight 233
Oct 28: 235.25.
Oct 30: I revise average daily calories down from 1400 to 1200
Oct 25 - Nov 4: have exercised 7 of these 10 days
Nov 4: 235.75lbs. went to a party, ate a lot drank about 300ml alcohol, went over 1200 calorie limit by 500. But net of exercise, excess intake was about 200 calories
Nov 5: weight 237.25lbs!!!

Summary: after having lost 7lbs over 3 weeks of vacation with NO exercise or dietary restrictions, I've gained it all back in 3 weeks, WITH regular exercise etc. and the reason for this is...?

In my head I know I cannot have put on fat of 1.5lbs in a day; I simply cannot eat that much in a single day! But my real worry is that I cannot find the link between my behavior and my weight. And without that I feel like I'm just waiting my time, and it's incredibly frustrating.


  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Water weight? Bloating? Maybe from the alcohol?

    I bloat like crazy around my TOM and don't bother weighing myself at all for a week. I never used to until I hit my late 20's then- water weight here I come. You may have been more active on vacation than you thought. Lots of walking around maybe?

    Whatever it is, setbacks suck. They suck our motivation, suck our willpower, and suck @$$ in general. But... at least you didn't gain 8 lbs back :) Just keep up the healthy eating and exercise and you'll see results. I'm sure everyone in here has had a setback or two. If you need inspiration jump over to success stories and look at some of the picture threads. You'll be motivated all over again.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    weight fluctuates like that, you retain water...eating salty foods will do it too.