whens best to weigh your self?



  • WilhelmCF
    WilhelmCF Posts: 96 Member
    I weigh daily on waking, just before showering for the day but I only log it once a week. The typical one pound fluctuations never bother me. It's the long term trends that really matter. All the best.
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh Tuesday mornings. No particular reason why, haha. Once a week is best for me.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    In the morning before eating after a bowel movement (I don't have bowel movement's in the morning each day so I wait until a morning I do lol
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    Once a week, same time right before my morning shower.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm always weighing myself. Haha! I do it several times throughout the day. Not sure why. But man, does weight fluctuate a lot throughout the day! For my official weigh-ins, I do it in the morning, before a meal, after going pee, naked. I don't have a set day. I just log what is lost when it's lost. If I go back up a pound or so...ehhh...I'll weigh in again another day.

    LOL, this sounds exactly like me.