Food/carb advice

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone can help me out to give me any advice on my diet? I thought I was doing great until I was advised that my carb intake is a little too high for steady weight loss...
I'm type 1 diabetic so I can't gototally carb-free but any alterations to my current diet would be greatly appreciated!
I feel a bit down today because a girl at work has lost nearly 2 stone in as many months just by not drinking and running 20 mins a day... Granted she had a lot more weight to lose than myself but it's still got me down! It has also dawned on me that I need to lose 20 lbs to reach my goal weight... It sounds like so much to lose - and I don't feel like I could up my exercise any more or cut down on food cos I'm already always hungry! I need to re-educate my brain into not being obsessed by food, but when I'm constantly counting carbs for insulin it's difficult to change my frame of mind.
I am naturally fairly heavy as I played rugby for years and still have all my solid muscle mass (which I'm not complaning about!!)
Any suggestions for changes would be great :)


  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, when I first started on here I realised that there were certain food items that I would have to give a bit fat miss, certainly at first, as I knew if I had them I would organise the rest of my day over how to include them. Starting with the usual, bread, cheese, biscuits. So each week i decided that I would try to find an alternative for an item or exclude them from my meals as much as I could. Instead of bread I now normally have crackers, low calorie if poss, which means peanut butter, jam, boiled egg or cheese to accompany them. Cheese I have throughout the week but there are lower fat varieties which means my portion size can be a little bigger. Biscuits, I do not very often have as I always want more, but again it is worth checking out the labels. Now I will still sometimes only have one of something then go back if I actually want/need another. (sometimes it doesnt make any difference haha)

    If you are always hungry then it may be worth while to look at food items with less calories, that way you leave calories for something else. I am not saying carbs as I do not particularly look at this for myself and checking your diary you look like you are usually under.

    I am hoping even some of this makes a little sense. My diary is open if that can help at all.

    Good luck with journey, it is a slow process and the begining is often about finding what works for you. Don't knock yourself out, you can do this.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wondering if anyone can help me out to give me any advice on my diet? I thought I was doing great until I was advised that my carb intake is a little too high for steady weight loss...
    I'm type 1 diabetic so I can't gototally carb-free but any alterations to my current diet would be greatly appreciated!
    I feel a bit down today because a girl at work has lost nearly 2 stone in as many months just by not drinking and running 20 mins a day... Granted she had a lot more weight to lose than myself but it's still got me down! It has also dawned on me that I need to lose 20 lbs to reach my goal weight... It sounds like so much to lose - and I don't feel like I could up my exercise any more or cut down on food cos I'm already always hungry! I need to re-educate my brain into not being obsessed by food, but when I'm constantly counting carbs for insulin it's difficult to change my frame of mind.
    I am naturally fairly heavy as I played rugby for years and still have all my solid muscle mass (which I'm not complaning about!!)
    Any suggestions for changes would be great :)

    A couple of thins. First, run your own race and don't get too focused on what others are doing or not doing. You'll always be doing better than some and not as well as others. It's just unproductive energy.

    Looking at your dairy, you could stand to adjust your macros. Carbs are a little high. No need to eliminate them but adjust. Here is how: set protein to about 1.6 grams per kg of lean body mass. Set fats to .35 to .4 grams per lb of total body mass. Let carbs be the rest. MFP does %, so pick the % mix that most closely resembles that. It's not critical if it's not exact as long as it's in the neighborhood.

    Lastly, 20 lbs may seem like a lot to you but it's really not that much. Set a reasonable deficit to lose 1 lb per week and then just workout, eat at your plan and before long, you'll be there! All the best!