Ladies under 5'5" who eat over 1700 cals?



  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm a 38 year old female, 5'8" and 128 lbs. I am still the same weight I was at 25 however I find if I consistently go over 1300 calories (even with exercise) I start to put on weight. To maintain or loose, my goal is to eat clean --1200 cals a day/5 days a week AND exercise (P90X 3-5 times a week). On the weekends I like to have my wine, candy, and steaks! My goal is to be very fit with muscle though not just trim down so I think it really depends on what your ultimate goals are.

    I really like the idea of eating low within the week, and eating more on the weekends. I have been going somewhat in that direction. :)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I'm 5'4", 38 years old and eat in the 1800 range. Some days are lower but other days are higher so it balances out. I'm mostly maintaining at that level. I don't have any pounds I want to lose but there are some squishy areas I would like to go away for sure! If I ate less than that I would be starving and I lift 3 days a week. I don't track/eat back exercise calories though. The 1800 is about 100-150 under TDEE, so not a big deficit. Feel free to add if you want to check out my diary.