Infected ingrown toenail + 10k in 3 days!



  • 1MariaChristina
    1MariaChristina Posts: 93 Member
    You can go to your local drug store like Walgreens or CVS and get a little kit from Sally Hanson-its called ingrown be gone. You will need to cut the piece of nail out if you want to run that race. I had a similar problem and the relief was almost immediate. But wash your hands, wash your feet, and don't go digging into your toe like a maniac. Nice and slow and get the nail out.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Burosol. WOrks every time for me,

    I take a bit of cotton from a cotton ball, soak it in peroxide, then stuff it between the nail and the skin. Hurts for a while, but it helps!! Keep doing it until it feels better.

    Good luck in your race!!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I have no advice, but sounds like you're running the Perfect 10 - I'll be doing the 10 mile, so see you then :)
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Happens to me and I soak in epsom ,"operate" to remove ingrown part and separate nail from toe and let out pus/blood if it is black from blood blister under the nail. This relieves the pressure and pain Big doses of neosporin on bandage. It usually heals in 2 days.If you are not too squeemish and can stand to do this it should be OK. But I would seriously not wait too long before I would see a doc especially being infected and I don't know if you have any underlying condition(diabetes, circulation) where you are having problems healing

    PS. I am not a nurse or doctor, just a runner
  • sabrakay1
    sabrakay1 Posts: 45 Member
    Just took my daughter to the doctor for this very thing last week. She's on a strong antibiotic, but the doctor also told us to have her soak her foot in hot water with epsom salt 3x per day for 15 to 20 minutes each time. We also put polysporin or neosporin on it and wrap it in gauze. Also, she is supposed to wear looser fitting shoes. Hope some of this info helps you. Just be careful!
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Make a groove about 1/8 -1/4 inch from the ingrowth going from the cuticle to the end of the nail, it needs to be a deep groove. When you walk, the goove makes a weak spot and it will pull the ingrown nail out. I have done this many times over the years, it does work! The infection however, will not go away on it's own, you will either have to continue soaking it in paroxide and alcohol to kill it or get antibiotics....look up chicken antibiotics, my mother used to take them when she was in a bad place and they worked for her or look for free clinics in your area.

    Good Luck, I don;t have heaklth insurance either.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    believe it or not, a pedicure may help. You likely need to slice out a very slim vertical sliver of nail that is stuck into the nail bed, and the pedicurists (is that a word?) have a little tool that can do that -- you can also buy that tool yourself, but I'm not sure what it's called. (cuticle nipper)!

    It will be painful to try and get at it yourself, but what you can do to prepare is take the tiniest (I really mean tiny) smidge of cotton and push it up under the edge of the nail to hold it away from the nail bed -- use a tiny tiny bit at a time; you just want to lift the nail, not create more pressure. Applying diluted tea tree oil can be helpful (put it on the cotton), as well as taking oral Olive Leaf Extract and/or Oil of Oregano (both are available in capsules). Those are both natural antibiotics, and are available at health food stores, fairly inexpensively (btw Olive Leaf is ALSO an anti-viral and is fantastic to take when you feel you are coming down with a cold -- 2 capsules at bedtime will knock it right out.

    good luck.
  • Courtabeth
    Courtabeth Posts: 8 Member
    Oh my goodness....I am overwhelmed by all the wonerful advice. Thank you MFPers! I am on my way to get Epson salts right now...I will then soak 3x per day. I will also try the cotton thing in the most recent comment.

    Today I ran outside in the cold Chicago weather in only short-shorts and a singlet....thought the cold would detract from the pain. Actually had a great run n' held a 7min pace during most of it. I think the adrenaline from the infection might be making me faster....

    Anyways, thanks again everyone! Your input and support is appreciated!