burning 1000 calories at home

So I know the more u weigh.. the more calories you burn ..i am 33 about 340lbs .. I'm tired of being fat! I'm not lazy and if I knew different exercises I could do at home that would truly burn calories I would..i have a 2 yr old i work 12 hrs a day and in school..get up at 5am usually home at 7pm..I need ideas please..anything would help. I cant walk on lunch breaks my job is off a intersection. I just really need some ideas. I have the 30day shred but I want to burn major calories and I know its a way to do it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • dolly3186
    dolly3186 Posts: 81 Member
    I would highly suggest the 30 Day Shred especially if you already have it. :) I used that and have that DVD and use it often. I know maybe it seems like you're not burning a lot of calories (especially since it's only a 20 minute workout) but believe me, you are! I was dripping sweat after Level One.

    Give it a shot! :) PLus, if you're short on time, that one is really great because it is so short.

    Oh, also I work at a desk all day for eight hours. Every hour I get up and do a lap around my floor. It's really quick, but at least i'm moving. I also read something on here about a woman that started doing 10 jumping jacks every time she needed to use the restroom. I thought that was a great idea as well.

    Good luck!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. How much you eat will have far more influence on your weight than any amount of exercise. There's lots of DVD workouts you can do at home depending on your fitness level. A good starting point is something like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds then move on to Jillian Michaels programs as your fitness improves but remember that you can't out exercise a bad diet.
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 403 Member
    Hey love!

    Interval training is a GREAT way to burn extra calories- getting your heart rate up for a few minutes, resting (while still moving) and getting that heart rate up again. You can do Interval training with almost any type of exercise. For example, do Jumping jacks for 3 minutes and stop and walk in place for 2, continue for about 20-30 minutes and you have a great workout!

    The only way I burn 1,000 calories in one day (30y/o 5'5 158 lbs) is if I work out 3Xs per day- I hit the gym in the morning (AVG 600 calories burned)- I work out during my hour long break (in my office- AVG 200 calories burned)- Last, I do my Insanity workouts at night (AVG 200-500 calories burned depending on the workout).

    Also doing random things during your work day, may contribute to your calorie burns- for example- stop once an hour and go to the restroom- do jumping jacks there or run in place- I do lunges on the way to and from the restroom- (everyone who works with me already knows I am insane!)

    Your work hours are insane and I know that it's hard to make time for yourself when you have a 2 year old at home but trust me, It can be done- just find something that works for you:) Good luck to you, girl- I believe in you!!!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. How much you eat will have far more influence on your weight than any amount of exercise. There's lots of DVD workouts you can do at home depending on your fitness level. A good starting point is something like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds then move on to Jillian Michaels programs as your fitness improves but remember that you can't out exercise a bad diet.

    great advice!

    Step one, focus on eating at caloric deficit. Step two increase your fitness & activity level (walking, dancing or whatever). Step three, worry about massive calorie burns.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 240lbs, I can usually burn about 1000 calories in just over an hours work, in fact I do this twice a week. I'm sure the 30day shred would work, but I've never tried it. I start out with a Tae bo kickboxing video that is 25 minutes long, that burns about 475 cals during the video (according to MFP given my weight and height) Then I do a 20 minute Zumba video for fun that I found online, that burns 326 cals (I imput the zumba as "dancing, aerobic") then I take my dog for a fast paced walk for at least 25 minutes and that burns around 220 cals. So I do that one one of the days, and the other one I do a more advanced Tae bo video for 55 (940 cals )minutes and then walk my dog again for the extra calorie burn. It works for me, but everyone finds their own favourite workout programs. Just know that at our weight it's going to require about an hour of dedicated workout time to do burn that much.
  • zsafavian
    zsafavian Posts: 12 Member
    The 30 day shred is a good DVD, especially if you are fairly new to exercise. Once you have built up endurance you can do more than one of the workouts, which are 20 minutes each. I would also recommend just getting a jump rope. Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories really fast. You can burn up to 10 calories per minute if you are about 140 pounds. Of course the more you weight, the more you'll burn with the same effort. As far as burning the most amount of calories in the shortest amount of time, any sort of interval training will do that. Look up some Tabata or HIIT workouts on YouTube. They will get you to your anaerobic threshold really fast, and that is where you burn the most calories.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else said, especially about focusing on diet...it's 85% of WL.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Be careful with the MFP calorie levels for exercise as some are quite a way over what a HRM gives you.

    I recommend the 30ds as I was really unfit the first time I did it and although its tough you soon improve your fitness.

    Walking is great to start with and then perhaps build up to other forms of exercise

    Good luck with it!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. How much you eat will have far more influence on your weight than any amount of exercise. There's lots of DVD workouts you can do at home depending on your fitness level. A good starting point is something like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds then move on to Jillian Michaels programs as your fitness improves but remember that you can't out exercise a bad diet.

    This is fantastic advice. I have been told by my husband (who is a personal trainer) that anyone can lose weight with the right food choices... it just happens faster and you get more fit with exercise. He would kill me if I told his clients this! haha
    Just try to eat the best you can and workout when/where you can. I love the 30DS... her other videos are great, too. I hear Turbo Jam/Fire are amazing workouts as well.
    As long as you have the motivation, heart, and decision making you can do this!!!!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    The Leslie Sansome walking Dvds are great too. They're not just straight walking and if you get the 5 mile one its programmable to do the exercises and walks you set up. It is only 10 dollars al walmart. It was such a great burn for me before my injury. I also work for a call center and keep weights at my desk. A few minutes anytime you can can really add up. And last but not least I keep a set of the golds gym pedals at my desk at work as well. And pedal anytime I can as well. Not as much of a burn but my thighs and calves have slimmed down considerably.

    Hope this helps!

    You are definitely on the right track with the 30 day shred.

    If you are a gamer wii has great workout games. I have golds gym one and my fiance has a ufc one that is so great!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    ...I have the 30day shred but I want to burn major calories...

    I started doing the 30 Day Shred when I was around 289 pounds. According to my heart rate monitor, I burn around 450 calories in the 20-minute work-out. If you are looking to burn major calories in a short time, the 30DS is a great way to do it.

    If you have stairs at work or home you could do that instead of walking. A former co-worker of mine would take her 15 minute breaks and go up and down the 3 flights of stairs in our building as many times as she could during that 15 minutes.

    Good for you for looking for ways to work in a great calorie burn! :)
  • ryaro05
    If you can invest in a FitBit or other similar device, they work great to help you monitor the # of steps you take, how far you've gone, how many floors you've climbed, how many calories you've burned. With it and the sync it does with the free web app, it gives you the opportunity to see what you're doing and log what you're eating. I don't think I could stay on top of whether I'm doing good or not so good on a daily basis without it.
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • Chalesie
    Chalesie Posts: 68 Member
    I think it is doing those small things that really make the difference... Park further from your entrance at work. Walk to the bathroom that is further away. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Do a few squats when in the bathroom. Go up/down the stairs a couple of times before or after work. It’s the little things that are going to help.

    I've started doing these things and I already feel a little better... plus I've started wearing a pedometer and that helps... when I see that I haven't gotten a lot of steps in I'll walk around my building a few times just to get them up. You have the drive to make the change in your life for the better and adding little things are really going to make the difference.

    :wink: :smile: :smile:
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member