Sounds/noises you cannot tolerate?

What are sounds/noises ect that you absolutely cannot stand??

Mine are:

Hacking coughs
Screaming kids (ok you have ANY idea how much that makes one's ears itch?)...guess they don't care much.

This time of year, get it all the time. Smokers hack is the WORST. The um, lady down the hall coughs so much that she starts gagging, and retches on the way to the bathroom to throw up....disgusting! So sick of listening to her...can't even hear the people I'm on the phone with when she gets at it.


  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    The sound of kids coloring with pencil crayons... its like nails on a chalk board to me, gives me goosebumps.
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    Styrofoam squeaking.. and

    LOUD NOISES!!!!!
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    girlie sneezes...

    seriously, we're not in Japan, let it go...
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Repetitive noises, like one person clapping for no reason (my brother used to do this to me all the time just to irritate me). Also, I cannot deal with bass that is too loud. I used to play keyboard in a band, and the bass speaker was right behind me. It would literally make me nauseous, made me feel like my insides were shaking.

    Can't stand the SOUND of someone chewing with their mouth open. The smacking makes me want to gag.

    My 4-year-old whining.

    My almost 2-year-old calling for me at 2A.M. and waking me from my Nyquil slumber.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Sitting next to someone in the cinema who eats popcorn and crisps loudly.
    People clicking their pens when they're on the phone at work. Drives me bonkers.
    People chewing gum with their mouths open. YUCK!
    Really high pitch noises, they hurt my ears (No, I'm not a dog).
  • dmf711
    dmf711 Posts: 141 Member
    Loud engines, thick Long Island accents (and I'm from here.....), silverware making that high pitched scraping noise on plates, obnoxious car stereos, ALARM CLOCKS
  • Cant0na
    Slurpy kissing noises in the movies, yuk
  • paine016
    paine016 Posts: 77 Member
    Chewing gum, especially if the offender's mouth is open.

    Now, I am not a violent person. Far from it. I abhor violence. But that sound makes me want to punch kittens.
  • Irish_Chica
    girlie sneezes...

    seriously, we're not in Japan, let it go...


    Mine are loud snores and the sounds of my children arguing on a road trip
  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    Being stuck anywhere next to a screaming child on a plane.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    -vacuum.. all this technology and we dont have a silent vacuum yet? wtf
    -ppl chewing
    -the dog barking when im asleep
    -kids screaming
    -nails on chalkboard (whenever im close to a chalkboard its like ppl know thats a petpeeve of mine and end doing it)
  • ericaknight95
    ericaknight95 Posts: 127 Member
    The sound people make when they smack their lips together, for instance, licking the cheeto shiz off their fingers. :sick: :sick:

    The sound of chewing with their mouth open, or smacking their gum.:noway: :noway: :noway:

    And the absolute worst... screaming children. Like, snotty spoiled brats who shriek until mommy buys them that cereal with the goddamn cartoon character on it. Makes my blood boil. :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    the sound of macaroni and cheese being stirred, goes right through me. and whistling, i hate whistling. crying babies and screaming children too
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    Eating loudly
    chewing on ice
  • aussiecaseylee
    Slurping / chugging drinks. You know, that glup glup glugg glugg sound. It makes me cringe every time!! There's an ad on the radio for coffee here in Perth, and at the end the lady takes a big slurp and it almost makes me sick. :sick: GROSS!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Slurping or chewing noises (like someone eating breakfast in a sloppy manner) right after I've woken up. Also, television news or talk radio being on in the morning right after I've woken up. I hate obnoxious and/or loud noises first thing in the morning. I can tolerate those kinds of sounds during the rest of my day, but my patience for annoying things is near zero in the morning.

    Also, sorry to all the country music fans, but I feel like I need a tranquilizer to be around that stuff. It makes me feel like going crazy on people. The longer I listen to it, the more irritated I become. I'm not a violent person, but it makes me wanna punch things. :explode: I usually just leave the area (wherever it is) when I hear that crap come on. (I guess everyone's got their own special kind of crazy...)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    beeping... incessant beeping. One day my neighbor left her very loud alarm clock on for 10 hours straight.

    Basketballs bouncing on concrete (outside of a gym or playground... like in front of my apartment at 7am)

    honking car horns (only applicable if the horn is honked because you are too worthless to walk to the door or text and/or it's after midnight)

    obnoxiously loud music in your car that sounds bad (shakes windows, etc) when you are driving through a neighborhood

    Wow... I think I have something against my neighbors' noises...
  • MissDevin
    MissDevin Posts: 608 Member
    nails on a chalkboard and silverware being dragged across china dishes.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    When people snort their snot back up... :grumble: My grandma told me when I was around 5 years old, that the snot goes into the back of your throat, and it grossed me out ever since.

    Also, the way some people eat, and they're literally snorting and making "Nom" noises. It's really gross.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Slurpy kissing noises in the movies, yuk

    Lol, totally this.
    And for some odd reason the sound of someone pouring juice/pop/beer/water into a glass loudly irritates the crap out of me.
    And forks scraping on teeth. Shivers.