I don't understand 6lbs gained in week



  • After all that exercising and walking the muscles retain fluid so thay can work and move and then heal. In the next couple of days drink lots of water before during and after exercising.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I came in here to see pics of your '69 Camaro. Let's see it!
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    I came in here to see pics of your '69 Camaro. Let's see it!

    Ditto, lets see pics of the 69 Camaro

    BTW, i wouldn't worry about your 6 lbs ..........your losing inches, now thats progress, Don't worry the 6 will disappear, best to stay off that scale if its gonna make you angry, haven't you heard, its evil!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Do this for a month, weigh yourself in the morning, after you use the bathroom, naked. Write down that reading. Then, every night, weigh yourself again, same situation, after bathroom usage and naked...write down that reading. At night you will almost always be heavier according to the scale, and lighter when you wake up.

    You will see gains as much as 8 lbs during the day depending on water intake, sodium, sleep, workouts, etc. In the morning you may or may not be a pound or two heavier than the day before, or you may be the exact same, and then like magic, you'll may drop a pound or three.

    The scale is not the best way to measure weight loss...too many variables. It will give you a rough estimate but it may be off by about 3-8 pounds for a myriad of reasons.