Vitamins & stuff. Clearing an issue.

I had a post the other day & while the topic of the post is not important in this case...what was said by another member here is. What did they say that's been on my mind & I could not respond to due to the topic being locked?

"gee OP you sure pop a lot of pills"

Well yeah, take a look at my diary. Vitamins & stuff...... I do. I'll explain exactly WHY I do for each one.

Swisse - Women's Multi Vitamin, 2 capsule - Because I do not get enough normally because of some foods I can't eat. Also to combat my painkillers

Blooms - Acetyl L- Carnitine 500mg Capsule, 3 capsule - well... basically cause they do help. I didn't think they did, but they do.

Schuessler - Elasticty Tissue Salts, 2 tablet - for ligaments.... they help heal a little faster.

Nutra-Life - Guarans Ginseng 4000, 1 Tablet - for my ADHD....proven to be more effective than Medications prescribed & the caffeine in it also helps. My son also takes these as well for his ADHD. Yep I'm a 37yo with ADHD.

Swisse - High Strength Wild Fish Oil, 3000 mg - I do not eat a whole heap of fish, tuna in my sushi & perhaps when I may feel like eating it, but other than that... Krill Oil costs a small fortune, this is the next best thing.

Swisse - Liver Detox, 2 tablets - Ahhhhh this one.... to combat what my painkillers do to my liver. Try taking Panadine Forte (codeine 30mg) 8 times a day for 3 years so far & see what it SHOULD be doing to your body. Without something like this... I'd be dead or have some serious problems.

Nutrifrnezi - Rasberry Keytone, 2 Capsules - No idea if they work, only been taking them for 2 months.... so for the other 7 months I was doing ALL my weight loss without them at all.... they smell nice at least & tomorrow my supply runs out. Not buying more. So do NOT tell me that this is how I lost it all.....

Nature's way - Instant natural protein- natural w/ 250no skim - Ok even though I get enough protein from my foods I do enjoy the little bit extra I get from this. It gives me my calcium after my workout as well (Only drink it AFTER my workout) and I've only been having this brand for about 2 weeks. I have however been having some sort of protein shake almost every day.... almost.

There are also some other ones I take that are not listed & I can't find info on in regards to what cal content ect. Like my natural inflammatory tablets because of my back, I'd prefer to take natural than man made at all times. Those ones help me so much when nothing else has. I usually take a green ultivite from Swisse as well.... but because that brand is not cheap I have to save up.

So now you know why I "pop so many pills" not that I need to explain, but it did kinda piss me off that this person did think I was doing it for 'fun' or to help speed things up in regards to weight loss.

There is always a reason for the tablets I take. There is always going to be a need for the tablets I take. My painkillers.... I'll be on them for life, without doing something natural to help my body combat the stuff I will not be healthy nor will I live any kind of normal life.


  • I sympathize my dear. I watch my husband go through what youre going through, hes on pain pills for life because hes not a canidate for surgery, hes a cardiac patient--born with many heart defects. So when he got injured at work, they instant told him, PP for life. I take a lot of vitamins and minerals too, I have Endometriosis and am anemic, with asthma and allergies. I have a lot pain too, but theres not much I can take because Im allergic to most, especially the Codeine family of medications. Im also bipolar/manic depressive and have anxiety issues. So I understand your need to them and you shouldnt have to justify your actions in regards to your health. Always, Tricia :0)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Just a little bump in the afternoon for all those who didn't see this when I was on my little quest this morning.
  • That comment cheesed me off to.. The way I see no matter what we do in our diets, eat, undereat, take vitamins.. Over exercise, someone will pick at something..
  • spramn
    spramn Posts: 67 Member
    I personally do not take vitamin / oil / tabletsas i get enough from my normal diet, i need protein suppliments though. I think the problem is a lot of people buy them wastefully thinking they are "healthy", they are only beneficial - as with any supplement, if they are actually supplying a deficiency in someone’s diet.

    Because of this i see alot of people getting on the Anti Vitamin/oil / supp bandwagon without actually understanding what they are on about.
  • So... Should I be logging my vitamins too?

    I take:

    Swisse Ultiboost Joints (3 per day)- Attempted pain relief and joint repair

    Swisse Womens Multivitmins (1 Per day)- Counter painkillers + back up vitamins

    Blackmores Hair, Skin and Nails (2 Per day)- my nails are feral!

    Evening Primrose Oil (2 per day)- Women's health
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    So... Should I be logging my vitamins too?

    I take:

    Swisse Ultiboost Joints (3 per day)- Attempted pain relief and joint repair

    Swisse Womens Multivitmins (1 Per day)- Counter painkillers + back up vitamins

    Blackmores Hair, Skin and Nails (2 Per day)- my nails are feral!

    Evening Primrose Oil (2 per day)- Women's health

    Well I only log it cause some do have calorie content & that way I know what I have taken each day so I don't double up, I have a shocking memory.

    Also fantastic to see someone else loves Swisse. Their Mood tablets saved my life.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    Just a little bump in the afternoon for all those who didn't see this when I was on my little quest this morning.

    Hahaha - okay. This is strange topic, it seems like you want someone to go "why all the pills"?

    Whatever floats your boat - if it works for you, whether just as a placebo or actually does something, then there's no real harm. It's not anything you take is actually dangerous.
  • So... Should I be logging my vitamins too?

    I take:

    Swisse Ultiboost Joints (3 per day)- Attempted pain relief and joint repair

    Swisse Womens Multivitmins (1 Per day)- Counter painkillers + back up vitamins

    Blackmores Hair, Skin and Nails (2 Per day)- my nails are feral!

    Evening Primrose Oil (2 per day)- Women's health

    Well I only log it cause some do have calorie content & that way I know what I have taken each day so I don't double up, I have a shocking memory.

    Also fantastic to see someone else loves Swisse. Their Mood tablets saved my life.

    Their multivitamins are the only ones I can stand the taste of! Still gross but an improvement on the last ones... bleughhh.
    I have a shocking memory too. I just leave mine on top of the fridge and hopefully when I get my meals I'll remember to grab them too.
    I don't know if they're placebos.. but if something will get me out of pain, then I'll give it a shot.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    So... Should I be logging my vitamins too?

    I take:

    Swisse Ultiboost Joints (3 per day)- Attempted pain relief and joint repair

    Swisse Womens Multivitmins (1 Per day)- Counter painkillers + back up vitamins

    Blackmores Hair, Skin and Nails (2 Per day)- my nails are feral!

    Evening Primrose Oil (2 per day)- Women's health

    Well I only log it cause some do have calorie content & that way I know what I have taken each day so I don't double up, I have a shocking memory.

    Also fantastic to see someone else loves Swisse. Their Mood tablets saved my life.

    Their multivitamins are the only ones I can stand the taste of! Still gross but an improvement on the last ones... bleughhh.
    I have a shocking memory too. I just leave mine on top of the fridge and hopefully when I get my meals I'll remember to grab them too.
    I don't know if they're placebos.. but if something will get me out of pain, then I'll give it a shot.

    I have about 15-20 of the Swisse brand here that I take some daily & others when I feel I need it. I have a few Fusion brand cause the pain & anti-inflammatory one is just brilliant & actually does work.
  • Finest Natural - Fish Oil Triple Strength 1400 Mg -- I breastfeed and need to produce DHA for her, plus fish oil is good for anti-inflammation, which I have thanks to Endometriosis.

    Nature Made - Multi Prenatal -- Like I said, I breastfeed, plus I need a multi. This assures that both her & I are getting our needs.

    Nature's Bounty - Evening Primrose Oil -- This helps with my PMS and Endometriosis.

    Caltrate 600+D Plus Minerals Calcium Supplement - Calcium & Vitamin D -- I'm a runner and I don't eat/drink that much dairy, but I need to protect my bones, teeth, and it's also good for my muscles and helps with blood clotting issues (which is another Endo related problem).

    Thinking about adding in Magnesium (to help me relax, physically/mentally--plus it helps with bowel issues. Thank you Rectovaginal Endometriosis), but I have to wait to discuss it in better detail with my daughters Pediatrician and my PCP to see if it'll help and not her my baby.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If you are eating the right foods...........meals filled with proteins, fats and a wide variety of vegetables and throw in some fruit there is no need for vitamins.

    We will get enough from the food we eat. It also helps more to buy local and in season as the vitamin / mineral content is higher.

    People that eat a lot of grains, legumes and such of course will need supplementation if the said foods are not prepared properly (soaked and sprouted) as the anti-nutrients keep the body from absorbing the nutrients from the foods being eaten with said items.