Low Carb Diet - EXTRA calories remaining

Hey Everyone!

I just started a low carb diet on Monday, which has been working great for me! I feel better and I've lost 4 pounds in two days, I know its water weight but that scale looks beautiful!

The reason I'm posting is because I have been tracking my meals and Im ending up with 200-500 calories left over at the end of the day! I want to know if anyone else on a low carb diet is experiencing this. I defiantly am not starving myself. I have three meals a day and usually have a snack inbetween those meals. Is this normal? I just dont want to be harming myself.

Also if anyone has any good Low Carb food ideas let me know =]


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    You should eat all of your calories. Add in 2 tbsp pb and a slice of cheese, or a couple oz of nuts and a string cheese, or a protein shake, larger portions at meal times, or use olive oil for cooking.

    Congrats on your loss but you really should try to eat your allotted calories.
  • MStanford336
    MStanford336 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Chosh!

    I eat hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, beef jerky, and almonds for snacks throughout the day. If your trying to add calories, I would definitely recommend almonds as they have 170 calories for 1 oz. They do contain some carbs but not much.

    Edit: The other poster made me remember protein shakes... Yummy! Look for a low carb one. I use GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. I make it with almond milk and it is delicious!
  • FitAddictAmanda
    I have the same problem! What I do is have some 1 cup of Greek yogurt (plain nonfat) with 1/2 - 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder mixed in. It's really tasty and has a decent amount of cals.

    (You can do nuts/PB/cheese/etc. if you want, and IF you have fat cals left - I barely ever do.) :)
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    I am also doing a low barb way of eating right now. So I also have lots of calories left over. I usually fill in with nuts, some unsweetned almond or peanut butter (with celery). I don't worry too much about it unless I am hunry. Typically I'm not though. I get all my food ideas form the South Beach Diet. They have tones of recipes and suggestions. =)