new today how to reach 1500kcal

bexboo Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hi again everybody, only joined today.

I have done my food diary for today yet have only reached 800 kcal. I have read I should have at least 1200 but unless i eat now even though i am not hungry I wont reach this target. will it be healthier if i did reach 1200?


  • yes it is healthier to eat the 1200. if you eat 800 cals your body is likely to think it is in starvation mode and you probably won't lose weight. If you are not hungry what about having some low fat milk, or a protein shake? drink the calories insted of eating them.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    hi again everybody, only joined today.

    I have done my food diary for today yet have only reached 800 kcal. I have read I should have at least 1200 but unless i eat now even though i am not hungry I wont reach this target. will it be healthier if i did reach 1200?

    I have had this same problem...
    Everyone has suggested snacks.... almonds, peanuts...stuff like that ... I'm still trying to get a good balance
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    One day won't ruin your metabolism. Same goes for one day over your calories. However, in the future, you really do need to reach your daily calorie goal, this help prevent the slowing of your metabolism. I went and looked at your food diary. I would recommend adding in some "healthy" fats such as nuts, fish, etc. Nuts are very nutrient and calorie dense. If you are hungry, you really need to eat. Just make it a good choice! I'm short on other ideas. If I think of others, I'll post again!
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    what about a glass of milk or orange juice? yum! :drinker:

    eating 1200 is the best :heart:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Eat a slice of pizza :tongue: I totally understand trying to reach your calorie goals and not go over at the same time. (Joking about the pizza, but I did have left over pizza for breakfast :laugh: ) I'm not a sweets person, I really don't eat high fat. I mostly want "real food" if that makes sence? Maybe you could try a handfull of pasta, throw it in a pot, boil, add a teaspoon of light butter and oregano, parsley, garlic... ect. When I was a child we didn't have alot and this was always a filler and has stayed with me. It's a small enought snack not to feel like a meal, but if you want to get to your calorie goal, this will do it. Also dry parm cheese ontop is good.

    This meal is kinda bland if you're used to popping flavor, just so you know.
  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    Peanut butter jelly! Peanut buttery jelly! Do the peanut butter jelly with a baseball BAT.

    No, seriously. It's sweet, quick, portable, rich in protein, and all around good for you. Especially if you dig your pb&j on whole wheat bread, with a nice glass of milk. Just do it with reduced sugar jelly at the very least... you want to fill your calories with something healthy, not junky.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    LMAO tanz, my husband can do that dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me laugh every time!
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