What's your plan, what's your cocktail order?



  • kaosvarkas
    kaosvarkas Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry ,but if you want to have that drink ,you might as well throw your diet effort away . I can appreciate your diet effort but I know that the wine or any spirits will defeat your goal. I apologise if this seems rude or judgemental but once you lower the bar your effort is doomed.

    I would recommend a glass of water with lemon and Mc Ilhenny Tabasco sauce.Also any soda is just another poison to indulge in,diet or not. Drink water and quit rewarding you self with junk.

    Let's face it.If you are drinking you are consuming empty calories. I really do not understand your and others responses who have contributed to this topic in a calorie counting effort?

    Some of us enjoy maintaining our sanity with the occasional drink. Not to mention that 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women has been proven to be beneficial to one's health. :)
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I had a feeling there would be some backlash on this post!

    I admit it, when I go out, or even at home on the weekends when my husband is home, we enjoy a couple of drinks. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, and I am a grow-up who can deal with the fact that weight loss, like life, is not a totally linear process. When I think about how I used to party in my 20s (and I was quite thin!!), a couple of drinks a week doesn't seem like a deal-breaker to me. However, to each their own....

    I will say, to those of you who enjoy the occasional drink, BE CAREFUL!! Weight loss/ketosis + cocktail = cheap date!!!

    Cheers! :drinker: