Starting your day with a workout!

I believe that I feel the best throughout the day when I start my day with a workout. I am energized and ready to go, instead of tired and a little sluggish after I eat lunch. Once that alarm goes off, just get up and workout, even if it is just for 30 minutes. It's ok to break up your workouts. Do something in the morning that you are the most excited about and enjoy so getting up isn't looked upon as such a task. Or if you want to get one of your workouts that you dread finished first, do that first thing in the morning and you have the rest of your day to yourself.

Workout also helps you eat better all throughout the day. Sometimes you go and grab sometime to eat and think, it's ok, I'll burn it off later with my workout. Soon you'll start to see you begin saying that about more than one thing you grab during the day. Also, after working out, and feeling great, you aren't craving those "bad" foods.

Lastly, we all live busy lives and things come up later in the day that we didn't expect. Therefore, instead of missing a workout because something came up, you're workout will be finished because you have already done it.

Remember, head to bed a little earlier to make it easier to wake up a little earlier! :)

Good luck...remember, you'll feel amazing after you finish and your results will show!!!



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I LOVE working out in the morning! I rarely work out in the evening, I feel soooo much better and energized throughout the day! I'm not in as good of a mood without it too :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • cware3
    cware3 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally agree with you! Working out is my sanity. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time getting to the gym with my three kids (oldest one is 5). I need to sweat it out otherwise it affects my parenting. What do you use as motivation to get you out the door? After my second was born, I went to the gym 5 days a week. This third one put me over the edge. I need motivation!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I also work out in the mornings. It makes me feel so much better the rest of the day and it's great to know it's already out of the way. Plus, like you said, I can't get too busy and not work out (which used to be my excuse). Some mornings are harder than others to get the in workout mode, but I usually still do anyway and try to workout some more throughout the day to make sure I get a good, whole workout in!

    But this method works best for me!
  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    I completely agree! I prefer to start my day out with a workout. If I push it unitl later off in the day, I feel like my body just doesn't have the same "oomph" that it's suppose too. Plus, it's a great way to wake up and get you rearing for the day. Thanks for the awesome post! :wink:
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    I just started working out in the mornings...and I'm TIRED!!! I don't know if I just need to give it some time for me to get used too or what... but it is def nice to get it out of the way first thing in the morning. Then I have the evening to spend with the kids when I get home. I usually do a Walk 1 min/ Jog 1 min on the treadmill for 35 mins. I'm sweating up a storm and feel really good until I get to work. Then sitting here all day, makes me sleepy... any advise???

  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    I just added in a quick 20 min workout in the AM. It does wake me up and I feel more energetic in the mornings. I still do a longer, more intense evening workout because that's when I have more time and when the gym offers classes I want. I enjoy working out both times of the day but I think I prefer the longer cardio workouts in the evening. In the AM, I feel like I have zero fuel to get through an intense cardio workout. Everyone is different I guess - have to find what works for you.