Alcohol causing me to go over calorie limit



  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    I drink every weekend and I enjoy it. Im at that point in life when Im constantly on a hen do, or at a wedding, or a birthday party. I exercise like a demon during the week and try to get a couple of classes in on a weekend to burn off the cals. I increase my deficit during the week so that I have those extra cals for the rose wine (its my favourite). If im trying to drink low cal I have gin and slimline tonic (it makes me an emotional wreck after a few though so be careful!).

    If I denied myself my nights out with friends, then I dont think I could carry on!

    Enjoy yourself, try your best to log it, and get moving before and afterward to earn some buffer cals!

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    One night out isn't going to ruin all your hard work.

    Alcohol is high in calories, but I tend to go for the spirits now, having been a wine drinker before, you get a lot more drink for your cals.

    If you actually don't mind missing the alcohol and just don't want to look like the odd one out, I order a brandy and coke, and then just a coke on my next trip, and I alternate them. No-one can tell and even better, I don't get tempted by the drunken after pub kebab, and I don't wake up with a hangover.

    If you do enjoy the alcohol, exercise beforehand, and 'earn' the cals for the night out.
  • danaweston
    no one is paying attention to what YOU drink.
    others only care about what THEY drink
    stick with club soda or diet drinks and don't tell ANYONE that you are not drinking
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Opt for liquor, like vodka, instead of beer or malt liquor. It has far less calories and gives you a better buzz anyhow. :wink: Also, you can often ask for a diet rum and coke or a diet Redbull as a chaser. And if you know you're going out, you can always try to plan your calories for the day accordingly by leaving some caloric room for drinking. Then there's the option of upping your calories to maintenance just for the day. You'll not gain weight, but you'll have a few more calories to work with. Afterward, though, you'll need to drink a ton of water the next day. That'll help with any bloat you feel or that might show up on the scale. Plus, you need to hydrate after drinking anyway. :tongue:
  • Caspiana
    MODERATION :smile: That's all you need mate.
  • maase
    maase Posts: 1 Member
    I try to set my calorie goal to allow for some "fun" foods and drinks during the week. I also exercise every day, which gives me extra room when I want to allow myself that. I would make sure you really eat lots of vegetables everyday so you are also getting the nutrition you need and feel satisfied. Try changing your choice of drink mixer - seltzer water with vodka and a lime is low in calorie and you have to sip it. I also (if I remember) try to have two glasses in my hand at all times - one is water. I happen to mindlessely sip away at alcohol even if I don't want it, so having the water keeps me sipping on good stuff.

    Whatever you do, dont beat yourself up if you don't eat or drink perfectly. Just do something to move you in the right direction the next day.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Drink in moderation or do more exercise.

    Personally I have found the worst thing about alcohol is not the drinks themselves but their ability to then make me consume high quantities of calorie laden junk and hide under the duvet rather than go train...
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not a big drinker but I know that a regular beer has ~200 cals so if I go out to dinner with friends I'll have 1 maybe. But my boyfriend used to be an every night at the bar getting loaded kind of drinker. He was also a runner. He said he would run so he could drink whatever he wanted. I do it with food, when I know there's a party or something with a lot of food I know I'll want to eat, I work out harder the day before, day of, and day after to burn those extra cals I'm consuming.
  • pommesvertes
    pommesvertes Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same situation. I generally drink spirits with a diet mixer over beer or anything creamy. Honestly? I don't log my nights out. I rarely have more than one a week (as heavy as they may be...), if that, and ultimately I know I'm not going to stay in on my own during my only three years at university whilst all my friends go out. There's no point worrying about it or beating yourself up about it :) I make sure I'm under for the day food-wise anyway and make sure I'm super duper good for the rest of the week - maybe try and balance it out with a heavy gym session or when you're out dance yourself into a coma to counteract it! Haha.

    I find the hardest part the hangover munchies...
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    The obvious solution is to limit what you eat when you know you are going out...that way you stay within calories AND get drunk faster.

    two birds, one stone.
  • melanie8289
    melanie8289 Posts: 161 Member
    Do you drive? If you do try volunteering to be the designated driver then you won't be tempted to drink and will have the perfect excuse to say no to a drink.

    Alternatively plan your calorie intake when your going out and use low calorie mixers.
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    I think it's important to know how the body processes alcohol. The body burns alcohol like fat, so until your body completely processes the alcohol it won't burn the fat on your body. This is why you see a stall of weight loss for a couple of days after drinking.

    That said, my drink of choice is white wine and it is like potato chips for me. I can't have just one, one glass always leads to a second, and third and sometimes more. Then I start grazing because I'm feeling relaxed so that is a two fold problem for me. The only way I know to deal with this is to just not have that first one, I drink sparkling water in a wine glass when I'm in social situations. I have 100 pounds to lose and I am not going to get there giving into the vices that got me there so I have to stay focused to lose this weight as quickly as I can. When I hit maintenance I can incorporate wine back in but until then I'll have to do without. When people ask me why I'm not drinking I very honestly say it's just not worth the calories to me. That usually stops them, they look perplexed and move on.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I'm not going to lie....I do not track my booze calories. I know I should because the calorie amount is insane, but that is one thing that this weight loss journey will not challenge me for. I'm not going to go out once a week and stress about liquid cals when I'm suppose to be having fun. Do I document everything else? Yes. But no....not my alcohol.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I think it's important to know how the body processes alcohol. The body burns alcohol like fat, so until your body completely processes the alcohol it won't burn the fat on your body. This is why you see a stall of weight loss for a couple of days after drinking.

    That said, my drink of choice is white wine and it is like potato chips for me. I can't have just one, one glass always leads to a second, and third and sometimes more. Then I start grazing because I'm feeling relaxed so that is a two fold problem for me. The only way I know to deal with this is to just not have that first one, I drink sparkling water in a wine glass when I'm in social situations. I have 100 pounds to lose and I am not going to get there giving into the vices that got me there so I have to stay focused to lose this weight as quickly as I can. When I hit maintenance I can incorporate wine back in but until then I'll have to do without. When people ask me why I'm not drinking I very honestly say it's just not worth the calories to me. That usually stops them, they look perplexed and move on.

    Agreed thank you! This makes sense to me since mines always stalls then drops a few days later -_- hentz why I only have drunk alcohol twice on my 3 1/2 month journey so far... It did prove to em to be cautious tho while maintaining and not to go over board with a night out of drinking since realistically it will occur at least once a month ;)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    It isn't necessarily about getting drunk, but even a two or three drinks can push me over if I don't choose the right things. I don't go out to drink excessive amounts, but having even a few light beers at the bar with some friends can add up pretty quickly.

    I truly appreciate the advice from everyone though! I think choosing the right kinds of drinks will help. Especially choosing light beers over some of the other mixed drinks and heavier beer options that I tend to pick. I think before I go out next time I am going to look up the calorie count on the drinks I like to order before ordering them and remind myself why that isn't a good choice. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on getting back on track! :smile:

    Sorry I should've been more specific :) I didn't mean you necessarily, just people in general. My drink when I do drink is vodka on the rocks or vodka and soda with lime. Last time I drank besides an occasional glass of wine or beer was in Vegas and my daughter was conceived, lol. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there! There are lots of lower calorie options, but in my experience you really have to keep drinking to a minimum for success. Occasionally is fine, so make it count!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Yes. I'm from Wisconsin and it's just apart of our culture. Just make sure you limit to how many drinks/shots you have. And stick to clear liquors. My worst thing I deal with is craving bad food when I drink.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    One beer, one club soda, one light beer, one club soda, another club soda, one beer....

    By the time you get to club soda #4, you won't want beer #3.

    Enjoy a beverage, but make every other one low or no calories. You can still be in a social situation without a beer in your hand. If your friends mock you for this, find new friends.

    I would also suggest this idea, it means you can still go out and appear to be drinking so people won't bug you to buy another drink. As well as avoiding calories, the other great benefit is being able to get up the next day and enjoy the morning, whilst your drinking buddies are probably in bed nursing a sore head.