Jogging backpacks?

Does anyone know of any backpacks that work well for jogging? School is 3 miles away and it would be great to be able to jog some of it, but I need to carry a laptop and a couple books. The weight isn't a problem, but my current backpack is pretty bulky even empty, and moves around a lot when I try to jog with it.


  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    I haven't found one yet, but that's more to do with a lack of necessity and looking. I've spoken to my dad about it though, as he used to be a keen runner and he was in the Royal Marines where, naturally, they ran with kit on. If you're going to be running or jogging any distance with a rucksack on, you're going to want one that has a strap that goes across your waist/stomach; it'll stop the bag from moving, which in turn will help with the demands of jogging with weight on your back (which I imagine is going to be a fair amount if you've got a laptop and books in there). If you've got a decent sports or running shop near you, they might have a selection you can try on and 'test run' there and then -- and then have a look on Amazon or somewhere similar to see if they're cheaper online if they're expensive in store, of course.
  • Firefightergirl18
    Firefightergirl18 Posts: 40 Member
    Dakine ones have a waist and chest strap