Freaking out over pain before Half-Marathon

I've got a Half-Marathon on Sunday, and I'm kind of freaking out, and a little bit pissed at my trainer for telling me to trust him in working my legs on Tuesday.

I woke up that evening to go to work and was a little sore, that's to be I wasn't concerned. I woke up this evening, and I could hardly get out of bed. It's scaring the holy shi* out of me.

I have a hard time getting up out of a chair, and I did some Yoga, and have a hard time laying on my back and lifting in to a bridge position because of the pain.

I don't think I have an "injury" per-sey, but it's really getting inside my head.

From the inside of both knees, up the inside of my thighs there is ALOT of pain. I have scheduled to run about 5 miles tomorrow at an 8:50-9:05 pace....and I don't know if I'll be able to do that realistically. I would like to take Friday and Saturday off from anything except maybe some stretching.

Any exercises to stretch the inside of your legs?


  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    it's only muscle soreness. tell yourself that instead of the negative reel you have going now, it's not going to help anything. ice, advil and some rest.....then resume your run for friday but light
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Sit on the floor, legs out in front of you. Bend your legs and bring them together so that the soles of your feet are touching each other, VERY gently push down on your knees. This was recommended by my running coach the other week as being an effective stretch.

    My guess also is that if you've completed your training plan pretty much as written, missing one running session shouldn't ruin your Half, you might do better to have a rest day?