i'm new to this but hoping it will help shed the "baby fat"

pari602 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Those who said that losing baby fat was really hard, weren't kidding. I never actually understood how hard it was until now. My baby is three months old today and already I feel like I've been big for too long. Granted I lost 20 lbs already...I need to loose the rest to go back to my pre-pregnancy size and weight. Exercise is hard especially with a baby....I feel like taking care of her is a workout on it's own :) I think that watching what I eat and how much I eat will be better for me right now. Maybe when my baby gets a little older I'll be able to work in a little workout time.

I think the biggest thing for me is that I've never had a problem with weight and size. I've been one of those people that could eat without paying much attention and still fit into clothes without thinking twice about it. I now realize that after having a child, your body changes.


  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Those who said that losing baby fat was really hard, weren't kidding. I never actually understood how hard it was until now. My baby is three months old today and already I feel like I've been big for too long. Granted I lost 20 lbs already...I need to loose the rest to go back to my pre-pregnancy size and weight. Exercise is hard especially with a baby....I feel like taking care of her is a workout on it's own :) I think that watching what I eat and how much I eat will be better for me right now. Maybe when my baby gets a little older I'll be able to work in a little workout time.

    I think the biggest thing for me is that I've never had a problem with weight and size. I've been one of those people that could eat without paying much attention and still fit into clothes without thinking twice about it. I now realize that after having a child, your body changes.

    Congratulations on your new baby!!!!!! Believe me you are not alone. Although my babies are now 18 and 15. I was always very thin and I could eat what I wanted until I had my first son. I gained 60 lbs. It was difficult to lose the weight. I use to do home workouts when the baby was napping. This is a great website though to monitor you caloric intake so you are in the right place!!!!!

    Good Luck to you!! :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Some suggestions to try - Do occasional exercises WITH your baby. While holding your baby, try squats or lunges. Hold your baby in one arm in do arm cirlces. Come up with ways to move your body while holding your baby. Everytime you move, you're burning calories. The more you move, the more you lose. Its something I am working on as well. Good luck with your weight loss and congrats on your bundle of joy!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    my daughter is 4 1/2 mths old and i have about 10 lbs to lose so we are on the same track/
  • Hey you are doing really well so far! My daughter just turned 3 and I have finally really started working at losing my baby belly...she is no longer a baby and could not be used for an excuse anymore! Congratualtions on getting your mindset where it needs to be so quickly. I'm sure you will do great!
  • My #4 is now 6 months old and I have been working out since 3 weeks PP (and I had a C-Section), and sadly I am still 30lbs from my pre preg weight, but already down 40+ from my delivery weight.

    I am now tracking EVERYTHING I eat/drink and attempt to workout 5-6 days a week. The scale is NOT budging, but I am FEELING a difference.

    I breastfeed, so gotta keep my calories high enough, and I work FT, so between work, the kids (9, 5, 3 and 6 months) the household stuff and everything else, I am done! But I make myself get up at 4am to get my workout in before the kids get up....

    Keep positive, stay on track and yes, you will lose the weight...

    I did with my previous 3, so I know eventually I will too!
  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    I don't have children but have never successfully lost weight before using this website. I truly believe losing weight is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise. If you have are consistent with using this site, you'll do great! You'll be a hot mama in no time! Congrats on the baby, I'm sure she's adorable! :)
  • I am right there with ya! My baby is 6 weeks and I am having a tough time getting rid of that last 15 lbs. I never had to diet before either and now its a hard change to make. I was also not where I wanted to be right before I got pregnant. The one thing that has helped me though is breastfeeding. You burn up to 500 calories a day just breastfeeding! So, if you are nursing keep it up! :happy:
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I had a baby too. 16 years ago. I still have a pooch from my pregnancy and I cannot figure out how to get rid of it. I know you can't spot reduce your body but I really wish it would go away.
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