Anyone experiencing hair loss?



  • ahertel0214
    ahertel0214 Posts: 244 Member
    Is it possible that you recently stopped breast feeding that darling boy in your picture?

    I know that when I stopped nursing my daughter I went through major hair loss. We're talking clog the shower drain, wake up with a hair covered pillow, crazy hair loss.

    In the end it was just my hormones adjusting.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    OK, gonna bragggggg.

    I have awesome hair. It is so thick, I could donate for at least 6 wigs...

    But I noticed the opposite....

    I take vitamins and now that I am eating better since May 07, it is thicker, longer nad I have a lot of new hair growing around my neck line and peak of my for head...