10 days post Hurricane Sandy

WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
It's been 10 days since Hurricane Sandy and I still don't have any power. I know that I am very lucky to have not sustained serious injury/damage and I have a generator so that's a good thing. But I am ready to crack! You have no idea how emotionally draining it is to have your life disrupted for this long. Last week, I was trapped in my house for 4 days until we were able to get out. When we got out, we were searching for wifi, gas and some hot food. My mother was evacuated from her place and they didn't have a record of where she was sent. It took me four very stressful hours to find her.

I am definitely a little better this week save for the stupid snowstorm that we had last night! We stilll have gas rationing in effect for 12 counties in NJ and the grocery stores are not fully restocked yet. It is pretty inconceivable that something like this happened in my state. I know, that's what we get for Jersey Shore!

All I have to say is that I would be the first one to die if this were anything like The Walking Dead or Revolution. I just needed to rant so cheer me up!


  • mamajenb
    mamajenb Posts: 53 Member
    I cant even imagen what that is like to go through. I am glad you and your family are safe.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    My heart goes out to you and all the victims of Sandy. I do understand, as I went through Hurricane Ike on September 13, 2008, and it took my home, 90% of all my belongings and to this day we have yet to recover. We were forced to relocate 750 miles away. I also am thankful, though, that myself and my sons came out unscathed. We had about 5 feet of water in our home and water moccasins...We were terrified. When we called for a rescue boat, they passed us up and picked up neighbors up the street. We got out because of some young men who had "borrowed" a boat and went around helping people to dry land. I think the hardest part was losing our vehicle. We received no help from FEMA, as many people did. We are just lucky today to have the life that we do have. God bless you and my family's prayers are with you and all of the victims of Sandy.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about everything that has happened to NJ and the NYC-area. I can't even begin to imagine what everyone in that area is going through. I just hope that you are are staying safe and that you all get through this stressful weather-filled time. Be strong!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    Hey, I just found this now and I want to let you know that I was in the same situation as you. I live on Long Island and the water literally came in our front door. 13 days without power or hot water -- I gained about a pound a day from eating processed garbage and being unable to exercise. Too many downed power lines and fallen trees to run outside, no room in the house to even do jumping jacks because we had to carry everything up from the lower levels of the home.

    I hope you're doing well. This was such a terrifying experience for all of us. I'm almost afraid it will happen again, and soon!
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