Staying within calorie goals. Effective? Without exercise?

Is this possible? Is there anyone who is doing this without exercise?


  • jess1304
    It will work for the first week or two, but you'll find that being active really helps you stay motivated. Plus I never heard of anyone with a signifigant weightloss that didn't get some form of workout during the process.
  • LoRo
    LoRo Posts: 2
    I'm not big on excercise and would much rather get it from being active i.e in the summer therefore I haven't been doing any really. I have lost about 6lbs so far and that's having gone through a birthday weekend. I think because i used to eat so crappy before my body is adjusting to this new "lifestyle".
    But I've noticed that my weight loss has slowed so I think I will have to start some excercise, even if it's only a few times a week.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I think it sort of depends.... I was at the time of beginning, 319lbs and i think my acceptable weight is around 180ish or less. So, 130+ lbs overweight.
    I have changed my eating, creating a deficit using my BMR (before i found MFP which is VERY close to the same number) and I am creating a 1000 calorie a day deficit using my BMR data which equals about 2lbs a week.
    It is still working for me because I am still quite overweight and the heavier you are the faster you burn in the beginning.

    I'm down about 43 since the end of October.

    That being said, EVERYONE hits the point where exercise is necessary for loss be it inches or weight, it just happens at different times based on the difference between what is classified as 'normal' and their current weight.

    I will shortly have to begin exercising to boost a)my metabolism and b) my loss - I wanted to get the healthy eating under my belt FIRST because I want this change to be the LAST time.

    Does that help? I hope lol.

    And welcome, and good luck!
  • missykaye1975
    Hello again,

    You've started two different threads with the same question?? You must not like the answers to your first thread....but to quote myself and another:


    At least 90% of losing weight is about diet. Exercise is helpful but, at least theoretically, not necessary (yes, you should still do it too, but if your diet is off, exercise alone won't make much difference).

    I totally agree with this^^^.

    Exercise does not have to take a lot of time though--it could be a 15 min. walk once a day or some type of physical activity that will help to keep you healthy and active. No one has time or $$$ to see the doctor either, but sooner or later our bodies make us TAKE the time and spend the $$$--I'd rather it be on the preventative side. . Also, once you lose the weight, which if it is without exercise will be in the form of fat, water, AND muscle, and it will be more difficult to keep the weight off since muscle IS your metabolism. You will have to eat fewer calories to maintain your new weight, or risk putting it back on and then some--the "yo-yo" dieting syndrome. Plus, I'd rather be fit, trim, and muscular, than "skinny-fat". Just my two cents...

    No matter how you ask the question, really, the result with your body will be the same....YES, it's possible....EFFECTIVE, probably not in the long run, but I'm no expert. Just want to be healthy, fit, and strong throughout my life, no matter what the scale says. :wink:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I have strictly only focused on calorie intake and drinking my water. I have including house cleaning, walking, and cook prep. That is pretty much it. I'm waiting for warmer weather and also wanted to take baby steps. I want to be great at getting my calories and water intake under control before I take on something else. I have lost 24 lbs in 33 days so yes you can do it without exercise. But everyone is different. So you need to try different things and see what works for you.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Being active is fun and helps to make sure that the weight you are losing is fat, not muscle tissue. I know the "fun" part seems unlikely, but you'll find as you lose weight, your energy increases, so why not find healthy ways to channel that energy?

    But to answer your original question, yes, a diet-only approach can be effective. In essence, it's a math problem: Calories burned - calories consumed / 3500 = lbs lost. But that glosses over variables like getting the right balance of nutrients, where your calories come from, or how you're burning them.
  • Questfor250
    Great question and I think I know the answer. Personally. I started my weight loss plan on January 5, 2010 on my questfor250, to weigh 250. I was 323. In the first 2.5 weeks the weight poured off me with a fury. Then after 20 days, I have been the same weight. I have splurged, and it felt good. I did that at 21 days hoping to shock my system. I still weighed 301. I have adjusted my calorie count to 1800 from 2000. I have been on that for two days and I am pretty much feeling the same. I know that I will once again weigh 301 - 302 tomorrow. I know I should not weigh each day but I do. But my point is this, I am at a plateau because I am not exercising. I hate exercising because.... because..... I don't know I just do. But I am beginning to realize that hate it or not, I HAVE to burn about 300 - 500 per day to stimulate my system. I think I have gone as far as I am going to go on diet alone. My BMR is about 3500 calories per day. I am eating 1800. I have a deficit of 1700 calories per day yet I am not losing weight anymore. I tried the splurge, It didn't work. There is only one thing left to do. Exercise
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    Also keep in mind that it's not going to be as easy to "diet away" your visceral fat, which is considered far more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. In order to get rid of the bad stuff, you will eventually need some form of exercise.
  • cc_campbell81
    I just want to echo an earlier statement. Exercise does not have to be boring or awful. You don't have to spend hours on a treadmill. Do things that you like. I see from your profile you don't have a lot to lose. There are lots of fun things you can do to burn calories. You can go to the park and walk, go ice skating/roller skating, walk the dog (if you don't have one, volunteer to walk dogs at an animal shelter), play volleyball or frisbee with friends, go rock climbing, go swimming, or go for a bike ride. I could list more but I think you get the point. Burning calories doesn't mean spending hours in the gym. Just get out and enjoy life. I know it's hard sometimes to find the time but taking care of yourself will make you a much happier person, I promise.
  • augustbells
    I just want to echo an earlier statement. Exercise does not have to be boring or awful. You don't have to spend hours on a treadmill. Do things that you like. I see from your profile you don't have a lot to lose. There are lots of fun things you can do to burn calories. You can go to the park and walk, go ice skating/roller skating, walk the dog (if you don't have one, volunteer to walk dogs at an animal shelter), play volleyball or frisbee with friends, go rock climbing, go swimming, or go for a bike ride. I could list more but I think you get the point. Burning calories doesn't mean spending hours in the gym. Just get out and enjoy life. I know it's hard sometimes to find the time but taking care of yourself will make you a much happier person, I promise.

    So true!!! I tried joining a gym and hated it because to me it wasn't fun. Now I power walk through the forest and around the neighbourhood and I love it. And it keeps me motivated. Exercise should be fun and an enjoyable part of life.
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Well I'd like to add that I have been on my MFP journey since December 1st. In the beginning I worked out up to 6 days a week, for only 30 minutes. Followed my goal calculated calorie count which is 1200 a day and HAVE lost 16 pounds. And honestly the last month or so I have NOT worked out much at all and am still losing the pound and a half a week that Im shooting for.