Opinions are like...well, you know :)

courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I was going to post this on another topic, but when I got done, it was locked. The gist of it was that there are lots of misconceptions floating around and there were various opinions listed on certain foods/approaches to weight loss. It got kind of heated, so it was locked. Anyway, I wanted to say this regardless:

Dang I just happened on this post, and....wow is all I can and will say.

I think TrueDecember has it right. Everything in moderation, and if I have to eat a packaged meal once in awhile, so be it. Everyone has their own way of doing things. If someone can eat clean 100% of the time, hooray for them, but for most people, that is just not plausible. And I do agree that there are tons of misconceptions out there about food, and we should look into what we are eating, not just mindlessly cram things in :laugh: People really need to read their labels. There is a ridiculous amount of sodium crammed into foods, not to mention all sorts of hidden ingredients.

As far as the diet soda goes, everyone has their own opinion. I am in medical school, and we had a lecture on artificial sweeteners and their metabolism in our bodies. All Splenda is is chlorinated sucrose (table sugar). It is not poison or some crazy concoction. It is man-made, but it passes through the body without being absorbed; It isn't utilized by the body. I'm not sure if the medical community has a definite stand on artificial sweeteners, so everyone has their own opinion, just like with everything else in life.

I think many people take the approach of "oh I heard this somewhere and I will stick to that fact no matter what." What really matters is that you take the time to look into your own health. Look at your foods. Look at your exercise. Try to improve yourself and educate yourself. Don't just read one person's opinion and take it on as your own...do some research, and do it often. Our bodies do a lot for us, and they deserve at least that much! :smile:


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Well, said Courtney!! :drinker:
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm going to have to agree. I'm taking a critical thinking class and it's taught me that it's my duty to question everything I am told.. It's my right.

    I don't really know much about the artificle sweeteners. I have heard a few things, but I use it and I don't see much harm in it, but time will tell.. I know it's gotta be better than that High Fructose Corn Syrup..

    So that thread was talking about raw food eaters? I used to go to Rainbow Gatherings and they had the hardcore vegans there that wouldn't cook the food everything was made with everything from the Earth.. God, they were all so skinny! I don't know how they could do it, but they were really serious about it.. That's all I know about that. It's a way of life for some..

    I wish I could've read that thread! It sounds pritty JUICY!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm going to have to agree. I'm taking a critical thinking class and it's taught me that it's my duty to question everything I am told.. It's my right.

    I question EVERYBODY! No matter how much experience you have are how much knowledge a person has they can be wrong. Also consider sources you get your info from. Dave's Daily Dozen is not really a credible source if he doesn't have clinical journal to back what he says up and at least give you the view of the opposing opinion. I always remember by grandma telling me she couldn't eat salmon or eggs because they were high in cholesterol and fat respectively. They are high in good cholesterol and eggs have good fat.

    Reading the labels is so important. Low fat = high sugar or sodium and most of the fat they take out is monounsaturated fat not necessarily saturated fat. But honestly sometimes I just don't care (like yesterday) I'm having the chips or reese's pieces. :bigsmile:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I agree, and everyone must listen to their own bodies. My husband could not care less about artificial sweeteners because they don't affect him. I cannot ingest Aspartame, or I feel jittery and weird (like a caffeine overdose). I would love to have the time to plan EVERY meal perfectly. I do love, however, my job, being a mom, being involved in the booster club for my son's activities, and all the other things that take up the time I would devote to living a PERFECTLY clean lifestyle, so I eat as healthfully as I can. Is it perfect? No. Do I am for health? Yes, and thanks to this place, in part, I am doing much better with my choices. And if I get hit by a truck tomorrow, I will be really glad that I indulged once in a while! :laugh:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Well, the original post was more about certain foods being ok to eat as you transition to a healthier lifestyle, like diet coke and lean cuisines. Then some people got irritated that someone was posting that these things were ok. It just got off subject and some insults were thrown around. But this thread is much more peaceful! :glasses:

    I have never had any problems with artificial sweeteners, though I stick to Splenda and Stevia. I suppose if I had experience I would think differently :laugh:

    The original post also said to brush your teeth if you are feeling snacky, and I thought that was a good point. And supplementing with sugar-free gum to curb sugar cravings. I don't remember what else...whoever you are, your ideas are still alive here! :laugh:
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Well said!!!!! :drinker:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Bump :)
  • Very well stated!:flowerforyou: Bravo:drinker:
This discussion has been closed.