Case of the BLAHS!

These last two weeks have been a downer, exercise wise. I don't know if I'm slipping, or its just the cold mornings and having to get this big engine started, or what. But I'm finding it really hard to get anything going in the mornings. I'll manage a short walk in the parking lot behind my work or I'll work out at night, but I want to get back to where I first started when I was looking forward to doing something in the morning.

Time isn't an issue, I've got plenty of that in the morning, but morning energy has been lacking. I tell myself maybe it's my blood sugar to blame, but I'm not so sure anymore.

So other than just general butt kicking motivation, anyone have any experience with cold weather effecting your energy or desire to work out? I used to love the cold, but since getting my blood sugar under control, I've found that it gets to me more, like I actually wear a jacket now when it's 30 degrees outside!


  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    When it's grey out, I feel grey inside. Don't want to get up, don't want to work out. Just want to cuddle up by the fire, read and eat carbohydrates.

    You are going to laugh, but I started listening to the Electronica music station on the way to and from work and d*mn, that does get you going. Works just about like coffee for me. :)
  • betho217
    betho217 Posts: 50 Member
    You are going to laugh, but I started listening to the Electronica music station on the way to and from work and d*mn, that does get you going. Works just about like coffee for me. :)

    Love it! Such a good idea!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Pretty much how I feel between November and March. I need to move to California.
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Sometimes you just need to go exercise, even if you don't want to. It always gives me a lift for the day.
    BTW, your photo looks like the face on my photo - you just can't see it that well! Pretty dog.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I understand completely! I live in the mountains of Montana, and not only is it cold, snowy, and gray, but it can be hard to get around by car sometimes. It just feels oppressive. I've been taking Vitamin D and trying to develop winter hobbies. This year my goal is to try cross country skiing. If nothing else, I would like to get more into crafting. I also started going swimming at the gym on Monday nights when it's quiet there, and that seems to allow me to have one of my summer pleasures during the winter. On days when it's too difficult to drive or walk around, I make sure I have a bunch of workout videos available. I do sleep a lot more--like up to 12-14 hours some days, no matter what I do. I think it's just a natural biological response to my environment. I've been to the doctor about it but all they recommend is anti-depressants. So I just try to keep my exercise normal and eat properly and wait for spring. I think cultivating an outdoor winter hobby would really help me. I just haven't found a fitness partner to do that with yet.

    I guess the one upside is that if you live in a place with distinct seasons, the warm seasons sort of put you into overdrive: yard work, outside activities, parties, weddings, house projects, etc. and winter is nature's way of telling us to SLOW DOWN and rest.