HS basketball coaches? Advice needed

Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
My 14 yr old son is on his high school basketball team and the coach chewed some of the boys out today, because they were going to the Y after practice. He told them that if they had given 100% at practice they would be too tired to go the Y. I absolutely agree with this statement, however my son and at least one other boy (that I know of) don't have a choice. As a single mom, I work 10-12 hour shifts and there are some days I cannot pick him up after practice; he HAS to go the the Y until I get done with work, regardless of how tired he is. The Y has places that the kids can sit and watch TV or do their homework, so they aren't necessarily burning off excess energy. I told my son to explain this to him, but the coach seems pretty unapproachable and I need some advise on how I can bring this up to him without my son suffering some undeserved consequence. Any advice?


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I coached and played HS sports. Every coach should be approchable. At his age I could see him being pretty intimidating though.

    From experience, I could give 100% though practice and still have the energy to play pickup. When I was a coach, I encouraged it. You can spend so much time standing around in practice, it's on the pickup court/rink where kids learn the game and how it can be played with imagination.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    So, you think it would be fine for me to explain this to the coach? Maybe a phone call or an email? Thank you for your response!
  • no_stagnation
    I wouldn't say anything to the Coach.

    I would tell your son simply not to tell the Coach.

    You don't want to embarrass your son, or make coaches think he has a whiny mom ( I know your not whining but their perception can become your son's reality). It might make coaches think twice before picking him from the team.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Let it go! Like you said, you don't know how the coach will take it. Tell you son to just work his butt off at practice. Run all the time. If he hustle the coach will know it. And then the Y won't matter
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Stefanie, I think an email would be fine. If you are worried about a consequence to your son (I don't blame you, you never know with some people), you could write something like...
    Hi, I am so glad my son made the team, I've heard good things. I am hoping to be able to get to some of the games. I'm not sure if you know this but I'm a single mom and I work long shifts. Some evenings my son needs to go to the Y until I am off of work. Would you mind making sure he gets out the door safely, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

    Hope that helps!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    As a coach I will say that any coach should be approachable...a parent asking questions can be very annoying sometimes according to the questions asked but still the player himself should be able to approach the coach without any kind of negative circumstances...in my opinion you should speak to him but not in a complaining type of way, if the player suffers because of this he's just not a very good coach and although everywhere is different..its not allowed to use something like that against a player due to the theories and rules for coaches...I would say its great that he wants to go to the Y after...too tired...hell no...I would praise a player for wanting to put in extra work...that just shows a passion for the game to me
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    Thank you all for responding, I did get some wonderful advice. I do believe I will speak to the coach, I am afraid to "let it go", since my son has to continue to go to the Y. I want him to understand that my son is not going to the Y to defy him, but because there is no other choice. I normally never question the coaches (even if I don't agree), because I know they have a job to do and there is usually always a reason for what they are doing even if it is not clear to me.

    Unless the coach would like to bring him home. :laugh: