Why am I even trying :(



  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    Look at all the sucess stories on this site! Being overweight is not exclusive to you. If all these people can do it so can you!
  • thethingirlinside
    I think at some point we have all had. That moment of why ? I think that's normal, because its. Over whelming but
    That's why were all here .we can all do this .even if you have a bad day .its ok because the next day is a new one add me if you would like .
  • tmyuille
    I've felt that way plenty of times...but try to remember WHY you're doing this and let it motivate you. Get angry and use that energy to keep fighting. Not every day is going to be a good day...heck, sometimes it can even be a bad week. But refuse to go back where you came from!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Please dont' give up. The jorney may be difficult at time, but it is well worth the trip.

    It will be awesome when you get to where you want to be.

    So don't stop now. You can do this.

    Friend me if you'd like. I'm on here each and every day.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Losing weight and getting in shape is a terrifying, embarassing humiliatingly vulnerable and exposed mission to begin. You know that right now, this is the worst you are ever going to get. And seeing yourself at your 'worst' is heartbreaking, we girls know that being there affects the color of your outlook on EVERYTHING. I mean seriously, a guy can have a 9 months pregnant beer gut and cream of mushroom soup in their stache and stroll into a bar and hit on all the girls in sight - but we girls, lots of us feel unable to even face the world unless we feel some kind of beautiful.

    But there is really good news, please trust me, as I am coming from being almost 6 feet tall and almost 300 pounds - i know what its like to take your before pictures and crumple to floor in tears of full on surrender, ready to give up and be frumpified for life. Never caring anymore, shrinking into the background and buying beige granny panties in bulk.

    You are too young to give up. And I know you arent, I know you are just venting the excess negativity so you can face your day- but darlin, you are on your way.

    Those before pictures are going to be probably hidden in a file on your computer until one day, when you are comparing current progress pics to those old ones, you're going to say HOLY CROW - I need to show people how much Ive changed! Look at my waist! Look at my back! Look at my love handles!! If I can do this, then I know other people can!!! Let me put these together in MSPaint and show my friends on MFP.

    Not today though. Today hurts. But the hurts from being brave and starting brand spanking new - are only that. Brand new hurts. Brand new bravery. Brand new outlook on life.

    If you are serious, then those before pictures will not be an accurate representation of you for long. Especially because when you first start out, those pounds drop off in sets of 5. (I miss those days - now I eek out over a quarter pound LOL).

    But here is something that I wish people had told me at the beginning.

    Do you want to A) lose weight for medical reasons so you dont have extra weight on you regardless of what you look like naked or B) Do you also want a body you can show off after youve lost weight.

    If you are only trying to shed weight and its not about aesthetics, then go ahead and diet and do cardio and all that stuff, curves, whatever - but if you also want a beautiful body naked though - there are things you're going to have to add from the beginning and DEAR GOD I WISH SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME THIS FROM THE BEGINNING!

    If you take the time to learn a little bit about your muscular structure and what it uses to repair itself and how that ties in with little gains and losses here and there (which you can do just from reading the FUN and totally interesting first half of The New Rules of Lifting for Women) and implement a strength training program that's equal or greater than how much time you spend with cardio- you will see bigger changes faster - EVEN WHEN THE SCALE DOESNT MOVE!! (which will help because seeing the scale stall can hurt your spirit of determination unless you have backup results to track!!)

    And by strength training, I do NOT mean doing 25 reps of 5 pounds. I mean doing 5 reps of 40 pounds. Or if youve never done Strength Training - go here and get really good at this! - go to nerdfitness.com (which is a website that taches you how to level up your own body, based on all things geeky - from Mario and Zelda to straight up batman!) and search for their Beginner's Bodyweight Workout.

    Do that consistently a couple three times a week and you will BE ASTOUNDED.

    In the meantime, be excited that you are set up to WIN for a very long stretch of the future ahead of you right now. And its going to get addicting.


    you are never alone. :heart:
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    You've lost 93 pounds...that's awesome. Don't give up.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    Have your pity party. I mean that, cry, get mad, cuss, say things, whatever it is you have to say, get it out!! After that, pick yourself back up and stop looking at the big picture. Get your mind focused on smaller things. When you lose 20 pounds you will feel like you are getting there. When you lose 30 you will feel better and will look better. Little goals to keep you going. The big picture is too big, too scary, too impossible, too daunting. Dont go there!! Keep you eye on the prize but dont forget about the little rewards along the way.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I love this thread so much.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    you might want to change your ticker so that you're not focusing on how much you still have to lose, but how much you've lost so far. 5 or 10 lbs makes a big difference...
    try focusing on much smaller goals. Do you have a pair of pants you'd like to fit into? or try a goal of just 20lbs. When you get there, reward yourself if you'd like, and set a new mini goal. You can do it... EVERYONE here felt like they couldn't do it at some point, and they did.
  • nils27
    nils27 Posts: 13
    I know how you are feeling. Try not looking at the big picture. Take things one month or week at a time. I have over 150 lbs to lose. If I keep thinking about 150 lbs I would go crazy it is such a big number. I am trying to take it 10lbs at a time. It took me 30 + years to put it on it won't come off in 6 month. I wish you much luck and friend me and you can rant all you want.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    That girl in the 'before' pictures is not telling you that it can't be done.
    She's begging you to do it for her. Don't let her down, she needs this from you.

    ^ ^ ^ THIS.

    Best post I've read in a long time.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    you are never alone. :heart:

    And EVERYTHING she said. Listen to Yoovie, she knows what's what.
  • bethiepoo30
    I can relate to you. I've lost 120 pounds now and I'm so close to goal. I've had a tougher week this week and it scares the crap out of me that I could mess up and gain the weight back. Even though I'm in clothing sizes that are smaller than what my goal sizes were, I still find myself "feeling fat" today. We're human, we're all going to have good days and bad days.

    Hang in there and take it one day at a time. It's a long journey but it is so worth it.
  • Sunflowerinbloom
    Sunflowerinbloom Posts: 119 Member
    I love this thread so much.

    I know me to I think there is a reason for everything and if my bad has helped others then bad day was not for nothing and that makes me feel good!
  • Sunflowerinbloom
    Sunflowerinbloom Posts: 119 Member
    Losing weight and getting in shape is a terrifying, embarassing humiliatingly vulnerable and exposed mission to begin. You know that right now, this is the worst you are ever going to get. And seeing yourself at your 'worst' is heartbreaking, we girls know that being there affects the color of your outlook on EVERYTHING. I mean seriously, a guy can have a 9 months pregnant beer gut and cream of mushroom soup in their stache and stroll into a bar and hit on all the girls in sight - but we girls, lots of us feel unable to even face the world unless we feel some kind of beautiful.

    But there is really good news, please trust me, as I am coming from being almost 6 feet tall and almost 300 pounds - i know what its like to take your before pictures and crumple to floor in tears of full on surrender, ready to give up and be frumpified for life. Never caring anymore, shrinking into the background and buying beige granny panties in bulk.

    You are too young to give up. And I know you arent, I know you are just venting the excess negativity so you can face your day- but darlin, you are on your way.

    Those before pictures are going to be probably hidden in a file on your computer until one day, when you are comparing current progress pics to those old ones, you're going to say HOLY CROW - I need to show people how much Ive changed! Look at my waist! Look at my back! Look at my love handles!! If I can do this, then I know other people can!!! Let me put these together in MSPaint and show my friends on MFP.

    Not today though. Today hurts. But the hurts from being brave and starting brand spanking new - are only that. Brand new hurts. Brand new bravery. Brand new outlook on life.

    If you are serious, then those before pictures will not be an accurate representation of you for long. Especially because when you first start out, those pounds drop off in sets of 5. (I miss those days - now I eek out over a quarter pound LOL).

    But here is something that I wish people had told me at the beginning.

    Do you want to A) lose weight for medical reasons so you dont have extra weight on you regardless of what you look like naked or B) Do you also want a body you can show off after youve lost weight.

    If you are only trying to shed weight and its not about aesthetics, then go ahead and diet and do cardio and all that stuff, curves, whatever - but if you also want a beautiful body naked though - there are things you're going to have to add from the beginning and DEAR GOD I WISH SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME THIS FROM THE BEGINNING!

    If you take the time to learn a little bit about your muscular structure and what it uses to repair itself and how that ties in with little gains and losses here and there (which you can do just from reading the FUN and totally interesting first half of The New Rules of Lifting for Women) and implement a strength training program that's equal or greater than how much time you spend with cardio- you will see bigger changes faster - EVEN WHEN THE SCALE DOESNT MOVE!! (which will help because seeing the scale stall can hurt your spirit of determination unless you have backup results to track!!)

    And by strength training, I do NOT mean doing 25 reps of 5 pounds. I mean doing 5 reps of 40 pounds. Or if youve never done Strength Training - go here and get really good at this! - go to nerdfitness.com (which is a website that taches you how to level up your own body, based on all things geeky - from Mario and Zelda to straight up batman!) and search for their Beginner's Bodyweight Workout.

    Do that consistently a couple three times a week and you will BE ASTOUNDED.

    In the meantime, be excited that you are set up to WIN for a very long stretch of the future ahead of you right now. And its going to get addicting.


    you are never alone. :heart:

    Thanks I use slim I'm 6 that does everything! Yesterday was a bad day and I'm ok with that cause I'm not giving up the pics were overwhelming! :)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I hated my "before" pics too. Check out my profile/pics. Now I don't look like that anymore, and you won't either as long as you stick with it. :)

    They're called "before" pictures because you know there's an "after" to follow.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    Do not give up on yourself! !!!! It's not going to happen overnight and without sacrifice but it CAN happen. The only thing stopping you is YOU. You can do this. All these great people are here to support you!!! Feel free to add me I'd be more than happy to share my journey with you!!!!!