ketogenic diet or no carb diet help!

slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
i realy want to try a either one of these diets. I know my downfall in life is chips and bread so i want to cut all carbs out compleatly i know i will lose weight .... and fast.

Just hoping someone has sucessfully followed this diet that can give me meal plan ideas, i love cereal for breakfast and i know im going to have to give that up but what would be a good alternative... help!!!!!


  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    Honestly, I thought it was overhyped. I didn't lose any weight, just fluctuated between 56 and 54kg constantly and felt disgustingly tired, not to mention I was struggling with weights at the gym. Then again I don't have a lot to lose so it wasn't helping me.

    But if you are that keen on going on it - Simply cut down the amount of carbs you are eating to below 20g. Make sure the amount of fat you eat is high, and medium amounts of protein. The proportions I used were 60% fat, 30% protein and 10% carbs (or whatever makes up 20g of carbs).

    Eggs, meat, mayonnaise, whipped cream, double cream, avocados, cheese etc - all of these things are great for the keto diet. Remember to use butter and oils etc in whatever you are cooking. Google 'Caveman keto' and he has some awesome recipes. There is also a keto subreddit on Reddit, which you can check out for more info.

    Ideally, the best thing to do would be to cut out simple sugars and carbs (such as bread or pasta etc), or at least limit them for a while and eat a lot of things like fruits, vegetables, and so on. You will feel so much better for it, believe me.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    i realy want to try a either one of these diets. I know my downfall in life is chips and bread so i want to cut all carbs out compleatly i know i will lose weight .... and fast.

    Just hoping someone has sucessfully followed this diet that can give me meal plan ideas, i love cereal for breakfast and i know im going to have to give that up but what would be a good alternative... help!!!!!
    I have done both. They work in the short but not made for a lifestyle change. You loose weight by keeping overall calories in check and not just carb management.
  • JMactive190
    JMactive190 Posts: 9 Member
    I have done this diet several times... it does work, however, as soon as you stop the weight will not creep on it comes back fast and often I exceeded my starting weight when I tried to eat a more normal "diet"... The best diet I ever did using this method was a plan that a friend of mine still lives by and he lost 75 pounds... he took the atkins diet and substituted a lot of the fat for just plain fruits and veggies with lower carb content. He eats no fruit after 4 pm thus giving him fruit options for breakfast... because an egg is still an egg and they get old for breakfeast. As for me I find it boring and plain so I always stopped after 2 months or so!!!! Good luck I would recommend a South Beach whiich is a happy medium!!!
  • jheye
    jheye Posts: 36 Member
    I started a very low carb diet in early June, gradually increased carbs to a moderate level and lost 18 lbs by mid Sept. I went off the diet after a car wreck and gained back about 4 lbs,- that is the water weight that comes rushing off the first week or so, and comes back just as quickly when you drink Dr Pepper throughout the day. After a month or so of general healthy eating (except for my stress relief Dr Pepper!) I went back to low carb and have lost the 4 lbs plus 3 more, so my total weight loss is at 21 lbs.
    My eating habits haven't changed much except for giving up the sodas and cutting out bread and pasta. When my hubby and I go out for Mexican food we get fajitas, eat the meat and veggies, a couple of bites of beans, and skip the tortillas and rice. For breakfast I have sausage patties or bacon and eggs, and for lunch I have chicken or tuna salad, or get a salad instead of a sandwich at Subway. I have as much salad dressing as I want, I just skip the croutons. If you do a lot of exercise, you should eat some fruit and protein after your workout to replenish glycogen- this summer I was swimming a couple of times a week, and if I didn't boost my carbs a little after swimming I felt like I was going to starve, but most of the time I don't feel hungry at all.
    I disagree with those who say low carb is not a lifestyle you can maintain. While I would not want to maintain the very low carb(<25 g/day) program that I follow to kickstart the process, it's very easy to maintain weight loss by moderating carbs. If I eat pure carbs (bread, pasta, chips, sweets) at every meal I start to get hungry in between meals and feel tired until I get my next carb dose,but I do fine if I just stick with small amounts of carbs from good sources (beans, fruit), or limit my indulgence in a baked potato to a half potato with butter, sour ceam and chives instead of a whole potato. If I do go all out for carbs at lunch ( chicken nuggets and fries and a soft drink), I just stick with meat, salad and veggies at dinner and I'm fine. My hubby has lost over 40 lbs and has found low carb to be the only program he can maintain long term. Also, both of us have had our cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar levels drop, even though we aren't limiting fats at all.
    Hope this helps .
  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    The weight only jumps back quickly if you introduce carbs too fast and if you have been on it for a long period of time. I've started to get off it, recently reintroduced carbs back into my diet, haven't gained water weight and I'm slowly getting back to my 'normal' levels pre-keto over a period of WEEKS. It takes time. I was only on it for 3 weeks, which might not be a long time for some but was enough for me.

    Good keto savoury snack - cheese and pesto. Melt them together in a bowl. Et voila - protein and fat.
    Good keto 'sweet' snack - just eating whipped cream mixed with double cream. All the fat you could want!
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    My eating habits haven't changed much except for giving up the sodas and cutting out bread and pasta.

    This is the same for me - my boyfriend and I mostly do the 'slow-carb diet', not for weight loss purposes but for health reasons. I don't know too much about it, but he did a lot of research into it and it didn't bother me to cut down on bread and pasta so I went along with it. It wasn't difficult at all, and it's an easy way to cut down on junky, empty calorie foods. And it's an entire food habit change, I don't ever see that we'll go back to eating pasta and bread regularly so I'm not worried about yoyo weight loss and gain cycles.

    We're not really paleo or even primal, we still eat dairy (especially yogurt) and grains (like rice and quinoa which is technically a seed I guess) and wine and sweets when we feel like it. I even ate udon wheat noodles yesterday lol! But generally for about 70% of what we eat we try to stick to non-wheat gluten-free stuff.

    If you know your weakness is chips and bread... just stop buying it! There's lots of things to eat instead, I think you just have to have an open mind and be willing to try new things. Breakfast is easy, I usually have quinoa porridge (lots of great recipes out there) but I've also done cheese, an apple, and some nuts. Or eggs and leftover baked chicken.
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