Just Have No Idea What To Eat Anymore?



  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Not to be mean, but it doesn't sound like you are trying very hard. Do you really want this? If you do, you need to get serious. Before you go to the store make sure you are not hungry. Also, make a meal plan for the week and a list. That list should have NO junk. Then when you go to the store, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING that is not on the list. I always do this when eating out, I look at the menu beforehand, and then write it down, so I won't be tempted at the last minute to choose a less healthy option.

    Also, don't wait until you are already hungry to cook. By then it's too late. Start listening to your body. When I get home late from work and am already hungry, I snack on raw veggies while I cook.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Excuses, excuses. I don't mean to be cruel, but you really need to stop making them if you want to succeed.

    Many vegetables are good raw or take only minutes to cook. You can stir fry a meal of vegetables and meat in minutes. You can get those steam-in-the-bag veggies that take about the same time to cook that it takes to open a bag of chips. Instant brown rice takes 10 minutes to cook and you can toss in a bag of frozen vegetables.

    Bags of salad already cut up and mixed are readily available. Just dump it on a plate and dig in.

    Too long to cook? Be serious.

    If you binge on fruit, don't buy a bag. You can't binge on one banana.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Make a big salad with all your favorites in it at the begining of teh week (do not put on dressing unitl you serve it) keep is alrge tupperware or ziplock, when hungry grab a bowl full add chopped lean ham or chicken or turkey (home made is best but low sodium deli meat works) add low cal dressing of your choice - Eat - it takes like 30 secs