Potty Training Boys - Any Advice



  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    My eldest son was very hard to train. We even tried Dr. Phil's little trick with the stuffed animals and a hidden syringe of colored water, to make the toy pee. All this accomplished was an endless parade of toys that wanted to go potty ....lol. He actually managed to hold it for 9 days in one stretch. He would slam his little bottom on the floor and cry whenever he needed to BM. After several trips to the Dr. for lactulose (she thought he was constipated), a trip to the pediatrician proved useful. She told us to just put him back in diapers and forget about training, as it was a control issue for him. We did so, and within 2 weeks he trained himself. He's 13 now, and he's still a very strong willed child.
    Our second boy trained himself in 2 days after being told he couldn't wear diapers to go to preschool. He's so much easier going, in all aspects. Two very different boys, to be sure.
    Best of luck, and remember, it will take a lot of time and patience, but chances are they won't be going to prom in diapers. Enjoy these days, they are gone far too quickly.
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    My oldest son who is 6 now took longer potty training, he was 4 when he got it down a couple months before preschool started. His motivation was that he wanted to go to school. He occasionally had accidents that first year of school. My second son who is 3 now was potty trained in a couple months before this school year. His motivation was also getting to go to school. I think you just have to find something that motivates them to use the potty.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    It sounds to me that if he is not having "accidents", but waiting until you put on a diaper, then he IS trained. The next step is to get him to "go" where he should-on the toilet.

    Sinking the Cheerio might help him make the connection, as will routines (going first thing when he awakens, just before nap/bedtime, 30 minutes after meals). He also may not WANT to comply. (Boys can be stubborn!) Positive reinforcement works well with this. Stickers when he goes on the potty worked well for my kids. Eventually, it would be a sticker when they went all day with no accidents. I would get them a small prize (Dollar Store!) when they got 5 stars in a row.

    Know that all kids eventually potty train and try not to stress too much! I have 5 kids (4 boys) and all the boys trained at about 3 or 3 1/2 after a lot of work. The one girl trained at 2 when she said "no more diapers" and I said then she had to use the toilet. She said OK and that was the end of that!

    Good luck!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Since he is physically able to hold til the diaper is on then he's probably ready to learn how to use the potty. Start by asking him if he needs to go and explain that he can now begin to use the potty. Watch for signs that hes about to pee and gently and matter of factly prompt him towards the potty. When he uses the potty it's happy time for him and you! Games, bribes, books, love and hugs whatever you need to make it pleasurable and non threatening. Game example if needed for boys- aim for the Cheerios in the bowl. :laugh: Good luck!
  • toottoots
    toottoots Posts: 67 Member
    my son was almost three when he learnt.
    My friend had just had a baby and i told him he couldnt have diapers anymore because we needed to give them all to the baby.

    that and LOTS of praise (like a pee and poop cheerleader!) got him dry in the day within 3 days and dry night also within a week :)
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks for the great advice everyone! I really appreciate it!