Alternative to Katy Perry's 'Firework'

edited January 3 in Chit-Chat
♫ Do you ever feel, like a fat old hag?
♫ Think you're only fit, for a body bag.
♫ Do you ever feel, like the biscuit tin,
♫ Seems to call your name, stops you being thin?

♫ Do you ever feel as though you get no sleep,
♫ Because you think of lamb chops when you try to count the sheep
♫ Do you know that there's, still a chance for you?
♫ Here's what you've gotta do:

♫ You just gotta wire shut ... your maw...
♫ Eat for one... not four...
♫ Control ... what you eat...
♫ If you want to see your feet...

♫ Cuz baby you're a fatty bird,
♫ Eating till your clothing bursts
♫ Make people go "Oh! Oh! Oh!"
♫ When you stamp upon their toe, toe toe

♫ Baby you're a fatty bird,
♫ To you a lettuce is absurd
♫ Hear you going om nom nom.
♫ Eat and eat until the food's all gone

♫ If you face the facts, you're a waste of space,
♫ Smearing double cream, all around your face,
♫ If you only knew, what the future holds,
♫ You'll need a team of six, to wipe your bum hole,

♫ Maybe the reason why, all the doors are closed,
♫ So you don't find yourself wedged in because of your wide load,
♫ With clogged arteries, your heart might blow,
♫ So something you should know:

♫ You just gotta put down ... the cake,
♫ For your ... own sake,
♫ Just eat.... for one...
♫ You're gargantuan....

♫ Cuz baby you're a fatty bird,
♫ Eating till your clothing bursts
♫ Make people go "Oh! Oh! Oh!"
♫ When you stamp upon their toe, toe toe

♫ Baby you're a fatty bird,
♫ To you a lettuce is absurd
♫ Hear you going om nom nom.
♫ Eat and eat until the food's all gone

♫ When you walk across a room, room, room
♫ When you run to Thorton's chocolate sale
♫ It's 8.9 upon the Richter scale,

♫ Cuz baby you're a fatty bird,
♫ To you a lettuce is absurd
♫ Hear you going om nom nom.
♫ Eat and eat until the food's all gone


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