
Hi there, over the course of 8 years I have gained 140 pounds. During the last 2 years however I lost 80 pounds with the help of P90x. At that point I started to plateau where I would work out 3 times a day and go jogging at night with no results in the scale department. A fitness trainer gave me the reason; my diet was ****ty :frown: . Not in the unhealthy junk food way, but in the "you eat waaay too many calories to lose weight, you need to cut out certain things and focus on just what you need to function and work out 1-2 times daily". They told me to follow the diet and use this site to make sure I wasn't cheating. I didn't punch my numbers into the site but 2 weeks into their diet and I lost another 20 pounds so now I decided to take it seriously so here I am. 40 pounds to go!! Who's with me? :happy:

P.S Any tips on how to run/jog for longer or tricks to catch your breath would be nice. I'm looking into a program called c25k, but other than that I'm clueless.


  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far!

    I just finished my first week of the C25K program (training on a treadmill) and my running endurance is definitely getting better. I challenged myself one day to try my own intervals (as opposed to the ones for the training program) and I was able to run 2 stretches that were 8 minutes each, at about 5.2-5.5 Mph, with only a 90 second walking interval between the two. When I first started the C25K program 5 days ago, I was lucky if I could run for 3 minutes.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • iNicoleLawson
    Thanks for the add.. We got this!! :)