What are people planning to do over the holidays?



  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Thanksgiving: The fiance and I will be making the trek from LA down to the parents house in Orange County. I'm making mashed cauliflower!

    Christmas: The fiance and I will be in London with his family...
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I probably won't log and will probably go over on calories but not worried about it as it is only a few days in a year and it won't hurt anything =)
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Not going to count... BUT am going to watch portions! And the afternoon is usually filled with target shooting and horseback riding... then I'm hittin' the gym hard the days after!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I am going home to visit my mom & family. I will just try to take a taste of sweets and load up on the turkey. I will def. eat my mother's dressing though!! Hopefully I will burn off calories chasing the new little ones around = )
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Hopefully be happy with the results of my cut and hit the beach for the first time in close to 10 years with a confidence not had in ages and just have some fun with friends in the surf and sun xD
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    I do plan on getting a workout in during the holidays, but I'm sure I won't log my food. I know I won't go crazy, I can't eat the way I used to and I'm ok with that! :wink:
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Eating until I can't move
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Eat and drink.

    and take naps.

    then eat and drink some more.
  • testease
    testease Posts: 220
    smash heavy weights, save all my calories for dinner and not even worry about it.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    I'm planning to do my holidays the same way I always have. It's one or two days so it's okay for me to enjoy. I won't stuff myself until I feel like I'm going to puke or anything, but I'm not worried about counting calories, etc etc. The point of the holidays is to enjoy time with the family. Good food just happens to be a part of most people's holidays and there's no need to obsess about it in my opinion. As long as you are mindful about what you eat MOST of the time, it's okay not to be, SOME of the time. A day or two, no matter how much or how badly you eat, is not going to hurt your progress in the end anyways.

    Me too, me too!! I am not passing up my Mom's pumpkin pie or her stuffing, that is a handed down family recipea and delish!! Just won't eat until I am sick. Plus my Mom makes awesome mudslides on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, I cannot pass those up either. :drinker:
  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    I won't be logging during Holiday celebrations because it's too difficult to track how many calories are in each food. I definitely won't pig out, I get uncomfortably full quicker than I used to. I will continue my regular exercise routine during the holidays to counteract some of the extra calories I eat. Here's a great quote for everyone:

    "It doesn't matter what you eat between Christmas and New Year's; what matters is what you eat between New Year's and Christmas"
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Eat yummy food but don't end up like a stuffed pig on the actual holidays. Trying a little moderation this year because really that bloated sick feeling isn't quite worth it anymore. I'll be spending the whole week of Thanksgiving with my parents in a condo in CO so I'll probably cook a couple meals. But my "healthy" food is friggin' delicious so they usually don't complain when I cook. :) Plus, I'll probably be skiing or boarding so I'm not too worried about gaining.
  • Lady_Taylor
    Lady_Taylor Posts: 46 Member
    I plan on working out during the holidays, but I won't log my food. Portion control is my focus
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Christmas is so difficult for me because we spend 3 weeks at my in-laws' house, and there is just sweets and candy and cookies and cake and cheese and crackers and food, food, and more food from the minute we step into the house. And of course I'm away from home (and the gym) and it's -30C there so it's so easy for me to just stop exercising and stuff my face for 3 weeks. :)

    This year I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep to my calorie goals every day except for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, because the food we traditionally have those days is so high-calorie I'd be over my limit after one meal. I'm not sure what to do about the exercise part of it, but maybe I'll solicit some creative ideas from here when it gets closer. Try out 3 different free-trial-week offers at 3 different gyms? ha ha ha....

    Wow that sounds like a challenge! I'm only going up to visit my family for one night on the 23rd, i'm spending christmas with just my boyfriend in our own flat with our cat for the first time, i'm going to attempt to cook us a roast dinner and we'll make some mince pies (with amazing pine sugar!) It'll be over i'm sure but one day won't kill me :)
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I'm doing a 5k Thanksgiving morning, and I'll eat and drink what I want but in moderation that day. Christmas will be two full days of family and food for me, so I'll get a good workout in Christmas Eve morning, and not worry about it Christmas day. I'll try to take it easy on calories the week before and get some good runs in. There's a 5k New Year's Day I should probably register for too.

    I won't log those few days, mostly because it's near impossible to be accurate when everything I'll be eating will have been prepared by someone else.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm am going to eat and enjoy. Just not over-indulge. A little bit of everything in moderation. Make some swaps to make things a little healthier. Luckily I am the host for most things, so I have a little more control :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm going to basically eat what I want, but try to be a bit more mindful and not eat to the point of feeling ill, just because it's there. I plan to log it purely because I'm a geek and I'm really curious to see how many calories are in my Christmas Dinner! I'll probably also intentionally eat at maintenance for a few days (I may even be maintaining by then anyway) and get in plenty of exercise.
  • m1311
    m1311 Posts: 103 Member
    Christmas is so difficult for me because we spend 3 weeks at my in-laws' house, and there is just sweets and candy and cookies and cake and cheese and crackers and food, food, and more food from the minute we step into the house. And of course I'm away from home (and the gym) and it's -30C there so it's so easy for me to just stop exercising and stuff my face for 3 weeks. :)

    This year I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep to my calorie goals every day except for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, because the food we traditionally have those days is so high-calorie I'd be over my limit after one meal. I'm not sure what to do about the exercise part of it, but maybe I'll solicit some creative ideas from here when it gets closer. Try out 3 different free-trial-week offers at 3 different gyms? ha ha ha....

    Wow that sounds like a challenge! I'm only going up to visit my family for one night on the 23rd, i'm spending christmas with just my boyfriend in our own flat with our cat for the first time, i'm going to attempt to cook us a roast dinner and we'll make some mince pies (with amazing pine sugar!) It'll be over i'm sure but one day won't kill me :)
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    Do a lot of activities with my family that don't involve eating. With holidays comes more time to play soccer with my bro, take walks with my parents, and crazy ping-pong matches. :) I also have my marathon training which I try to get rid of early in the morning, but I have to learn to relax too. I also make an effort to replace a lot of my normal foods with the treats that I can have only during the holidays (this way I don't add snacks on top of my normal calories), and I developed a taste for things made-from scratch like cranberry sauces so I can control the sugar, and the leaner cuts of all the excellent meats. I usually log only to make sure that I am getting enough vitamin/protein rich foods without too much fat or sugar, because I know I won't feel good then and won't be happy... and that's what the holidays are about, right? Being happy with other people. :)
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Business as usual: eat healthy, in moderation, and exercise.