

  • SHHitsKaty
    I'm having this same problem. My stomach is flat but it's not as toned as I'd like. I feel like the rest of me looks awesome and my stomach is still kinda soft and pudgy in areas. Mostly right above where my pelvis would start. I recently hired a trainer and am going to really have them work hard on this with me, I can do the cardio on my own, what I need is a way to get rid of the last little pudge I have left in my stomach. Hoping lots of weight training and core work will help with this.
  • Gunsentry
    Gunsentry Posts: 121 Member
    I'm having this same problem. My stomach is flat but it's not as toned as I'd like. I feel like the rest of me looks awesome and my stomach is still kinda soft and pudgy in areas. Mostly right above where my pelvis would start. I recently hired a trainer and am going to really have them work hard on this with me, I can do the cardio on my own, what I need is a way to get rid of the last little pudge I have left in my stomach. Hoping lots of weight training and core work will help with this.

    Do SQUATS these will tighten up your core.
  • SHHitsKaty

    I will also say this, when I cut out all alcohol out of my diet, I'm talking, I didn't drink a sip for 21 days, my stomach has never been flatter. I don't know if it's the bloating that is associated with drinking or the empty calories but it helped immensely.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    i have the same trouble spot! D: I have been considering adding heavy weights to my routine and now i have decided i definitely will. i hope it works for me too!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Heavy lifting while continuing to lower your body fat will help, and definitely strengthen your core with body weight exercises. Weight training, plus time and *especially* your diet, will get the results.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    not heavy as in a pro body builder but I definetly up the weight every weeks and my rate is up the whole time.
  • LJBaker79
    I'm in the exact same boat so I don't have much to add. But, I do think all of this tips are great. Hard work (weights and core training) and lots of patience are what I lean on a daily basis. We'll get there! :)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you decide to lift heavy, it would probably behoove you to add protein and drop your carbs a bit. MFP sets us way too high on carbs and the protein will help you build lean muscle.
  • Shamrock_me
    Belly Cardio - I think of it as you can swing your arms and legs and the range of motion is greater as to how you can work harder, get stronger, but cardio for the belly is not so easy to come by. Strength training is a must too, but I try to switch them back and forth to burn the most fat. Interval training is a big fat burner.

    I'm a big fan of lumberjacks (weighted waist twists) done at maximum pull weight as well as lighter weights so you can work faster & bump up your heart rate. I love back extension exercises and I do them with weights and sideways for those 'love handles' we don't love. I do not like the 'sit up' machines at the gym, they don't really seem to affect my waistline.

    Floor sit ups, crunches, ball exercises, plank exercises.. I like to use an interval timer - 30 seconds strength 45 seconds cardio or whatever you're comfortable with. I started out the 30/45 but I worked up to the 45/75 and I like that ratio better.

    Every 'body' is different and I think everyone has some great ideas here and if one doesn't work, try the next one and find out what works for you. There's a ton of ab workouts to try on youtube or just google hiit workout for Abs. Just be careful & don't overtrain.
  • mackzaj
    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    OK, not true. A pound is a pound is a pound, whether it's feathers or bricks. What you may be trying to say is that a pound of muscle takes up less space than fat, in which case, yes, true.
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you all for the adivce im going to order the new rules of lifting for women and go from there and hope that helps tone things up some!