Realizing just how much you really eat each day

YIKES! D: I had no clue I ate this much on Friday's and Saturday's!...

Has anybody else gotten this feeling before? I'm new to MFP and this is my first time counting calories of any kind. I mean I always knew I ate a lot on weekends what am I doing to my poor body?! I'd really like to find a buddy now to help me start being healthier. And eating cleaner :) I need to lose about ~5 pounds (bloated right now, could be 3) which I've gained since summer ended and I'm giving myself until New Years to do it. WIsh me luck! :D


  • Hi!

    You can definitely friend me - I'm trying to get rid of some excess vacation weight (Europe + 3 course dinners takes its toll).

    Weekends are always a bit of a downer in terms of calories because generally you're not as busy or at least not in the same way as at work where it's hard to get a snack in. I generally watch myself during the day and eat light breakfasts and lunches because I know that if I do go all out, it will probably be during dinner/drinks with friends.
  • kbev147
    kbev147 Posts: 16 Member
    Definitely know the feeling! I only started MFP this week and any diets I've tried before haven't involved calorie counting so it's been a bit of a shock! Some definite changes to the shopping list will be made!

    Good luck with your 3/5lbs! I have 28lbs to lose!
  • Aww thanks you guys for the replies! I think I added both of you (or you added me? haha) so good luck with your journey's! Let's do this everyone!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    It sneaks up on us easily!!!! and oh those hidden calories that we drink!

    Feel free to friend me.
  • For me it is not so much the amount I am eating, but finding out how many calories are in the foods I love. Like a simple bagel with cream cheese. Or any of those so called healthy salads or wraps I used to order in restaurants.
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    You are definantly not alone, after I was able to talk to a nutritionist about weight loss and she started me using this tool I was simply amazed! Now I read the labels on everything I eat and track my food intake per meal on here, I keep the app on my phone just in case I am not near a computer just so I can upload what I have eaten after each meal. Good luck with your eight loss goals!
  • that's good! :) I'd hate to be alone...I'm adding you two so I hope you don't mind! Battynat- oh my gosh, I had a bagel this afternoon and I had no clue how high calorie those things were!! I mean, I thought one bagel would be about 150 max but oh no, this one was 230 kcals! Not even including what I had with it.

    Thanks carf, good luck to you too!
  • That's what I said when I started calculating and looking at the answers I wanted to cry I dieted so much for my wedding and look at that pic ugh but then realized it's never too late and when I renew my vows I'll look way better!!! We can do it together :happy:
  • Oh yeah. I calorie counted back in January '12 and I was shocked at not only how much I was eating but how many calories were in the foods that I ate! I've always been a picky eater, so finding foods I like low in calories is a little more difficult. I was able over the course of 3 weeks, to find foods low in calories for me. I also worked out 5 times a week (only 30-45 min/day) which gave me more calories to work with I changed my diet so drastically that I lost 20lbs in 3 weeks!! Holy cow right?! ~ I only dieted for 3 weeks and then I found out I was pregnant. I tried to keep to a somewhat healthy lifestyle choice but eventually just gave up. I gained a total of 35 lbs. After my son was born, I was 6lbs heavier than I went in because of all the fluid the doctors pumped into my body.

    I have 16lbs to get down to my recent pre-pregnancy weight and 54lbs to get down to my pre-pre-pregnancy weight from my 3.5yr old daughter. I'm reacquainting myself with how many calories I eat on a daily basis. UGH. I can't wait to get the go ahead from my doctor to start working out again. I hate being sedentary :/ And my husband says he wants to work out but not to diet which means that even though I want to diet and eat healthier, he's still going to buy junk food and keep me tempted :(

    Good luck with your weight loss!! :)
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    I learned early into this journey that I could not trust my instincts either.. lol. I remember going into a restaurant my step-sons works for.. I ordered a tiny filet, green beans for the side, and it came with a side salad.. I was patting myself on my back.. thinking I just ordered a pretty darn healthy meal (pre-lifestyle change i would have had the big steak, and a loaded baked potato).

    later in the day i logged my "awesome" meal.. only to find out it was 1400 calories!!! How the heck did they squeeze 550 calories into a small ceasar salad, and how do you make green beans unhealthy? (answer to that is LOTS of butter and pork fat I assume).

    now i try to always look it up either before going to the restaurant, or at least before ordering.

    Good Luck! MFP has been a Huge help for us.